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I would like to know how to transform the speed that the optical flow gives me from frames per pixel to meters per second

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Il mio progetto consiste nell'eseguire l'optical flow su un video che simula l'andamento di un drone. L'obiettivo finale è quello di stimare la velocità media del drone. Però prima di arrivare a ciò mi servirebbe sapere come trasformare le velocità su x e y che mi restituisce l'optical flow da pixel per frame a metri al secondo.
My project consists of performing optical flow on a video that simulates the movement of a drone. The final goal is to estimate the average speed of the drone. But before getting to this I would need to know how to transform the speeds on x and y which gives me the optical flow from pixels per frame to meters per second
  1 comentario
ag el 13 de Oct. de 2023
Hi Antonio,
I understand that you need to convert the output from the “optical flow” toolbox, which is in frames per second, to meters per second.
To do so, you can try the below formula and see if it works,
velocityInMetersPerSecond = opticalFlowVelocity * spatialScale * frameRate;
opticalFlowVelocity – the output from the toolbox (pixels per frame)
spatialScale calculated by relating the known distance in the image to the corresponding number of pixels (meters per pixel)
frameRate frames per second
Hope this helps!
Best Regards,
Aryan Gupta

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