- MATLAB provides pre-trained models for semantic segmentation, such as DeepLabv3+ or SegNet, load one of these pre-trained models using the deeplabv3plusLayers or segnetLayers functions.
- Depending on the model you choose replace the last layers of the pre-trained model with new layers for your specific task.
- Modify the number of output classes to match your requirement (e.g., 2 classes for crack and non-crack).
- Use the trainNetwork function to train the customized model using the training dataset.
- Fine tune the parameters such as the number of epochs, learning rate, and mini-batch size.
- Use the trained model to predict the segmentation masks for the testing dataset.
- Semantic segmentation: https://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/semantic-segmentation.html?s_tid=CRUX_lftnav
- Examples: https://www.mathworks.com/help/vision/examples.html?category=semantic-segmentation&s_tid=CRUX_topnav