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Report generation toolbox gives warnings and no figures in R2011b

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Alex Knight
Alex Knight el 4 de Nov. de 2011
Comentada: Rajesh el 10 de Nov. de 2014
Code using the report generation toolbox that works fine under r2010b gives the following warning on r2011b:
Converting report
log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.fop.util.ContentHandlerFactoryRegistry).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
Report complete
The resulting PDF has the figures missing, although the rest of the report is there. Does anyone understand what's going on here?

Respuestas (2)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski el 16 de Abr. de 2013
The “log4j: WARN. . .” is due to a bug in the MATLAB and Simulink Report Generators.
The bug was fixed for R2012a where an error message is thrown to inform you that there was a Java out of memory error.
As a workaround you can increase the Java heap space for MATLAB. You can find the Java heap space setting in the MATLAB Preferences under
*File -> Preferences -> General -> Java Heap Space.*

Iain el 16 de Abr. de 2013
Editada: Iain el 16 de Abr. de 2013
I've been struggling with this problem for a few hours now.
I cannot explain why it works, but I have found that if I copy the report template to a new file, and change where the report is generated, that I can in fact generate reports that contain the figures I expect them to.
Once the report is generated in a temporary location, you can simply move it to where you want it.

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