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Generate and acquire signals with a DT9857E box using Matlab

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
i'm trying to generate and acquire signals for a study using a DT 9857E box, so i wrote a short code to test wether the result could be satisfying or not. The code is written this way:
clear all, clc, close all
s = daq("dt");
fAbtast = 50e3;
s.Rate = fAbtast; %1000;
BoxName = 'DT9857E-16(00)';
addoutput(s,BoxName, '0', 'Voltage');
addinput(s,BoxName,'0', 'Voltage');
fIn = 1e3;
t = 0:1/fAbtast:1-1/fAbtast;
x = sin(2*pi*fIn*t);
Output_data = x'*1.2;
Input_data = readwrite(s, Output_data);
time_vec = seconds(Input_data.Time);
plot(time_vec, Output_data)
hold on
plot(time_vec, Input_data.Variables)
hold off
grid on
legend(["Output Signal","Acquired Signal"])
The result looks this way:
Any Idea on why the acquired signal does look that way? Since i just connected the output channel to the input channel, the same output signal or at least likely was expected to be acquired.
I even try to reproduce the example in the following matlab documentation: Simultaneously Acquire Data and Generate Signals - MATLAB & Simulink - MathWorks Deutschland
but the result did not look great:
%% Example from Matlab's documentation
% A session has been already defined
output = cos(linspace(0,2*pi,1000)');
data1 = readwrite(s, output);
hold on
ylabel("Voltage (V)")
%title("Acquired Signal");
legend(["Output Data","Acquired Signal"])
below is an enlarged view of the acquired signal
Any suggestion to fix this will be greatly appreciated.

Respuesta aceptada

Sulaymon Eshkabilov
Sulaymon Eshkabilov el 19 de Feb. de 2024
It is all about DAQ
DT9857E issue.
Once we had also the same issue - a kind of exponential decay. So far, I remember what we did was to detrend the acquired data. Also, you can try to use a different channel of DT to collect data.
All the best.
  8 comentarios
Galvani el 19 de Mayo de 2024
You will need to revert back to DT Open Layers v7.8.2.
Begin within MATLAB to uninstall the 'Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Data Translation Hardware' via the Add-On Manager.
Open your Windows ->Control Panel->Programs and Features showing the Data Translation software and version column, and uninstall all DT Open Layers Software( programs with DT Open Layers as Publisher)
Reboot your system and install DT Open Layers v7.8.2. Make sure that the previous installed version are no more on your system.
Finally open MATLAB and reinstall the 'Data Acquisition Toolbox Support Package for Data Translation Hardware' via the Add-On Manager.
Everything should normaly be fine from now on!
Thibaut el 20 de Mayo de 2024
Brilliant !
Thanks a lot mate. I've simply followed the procedure you've shared and everything works fine now :)

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