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Use keyboard input to control a robot in coppeliasim

11 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Mushtariy el 7 de Mzo. de 2024
Comentada: Walter Roberson el 7 de Mzo. de 2024
I have a simulated space orbital robot in CoppeliaSim with a robotic arm and a vision sensor and I have to write a matab code that can control the position of the target ( the end of space robot ). For example Q would add +0.01 in the poistion and W when pressed would add -0.01 in position in regards to the robot and I need to do so for 6 ways x dircetion y direction and z direction. I would appreciate if someone could help me out with how to program this in matlab this is for my final year research project ! Thank you in advance !!
  4 comentarios
Mushtariy el 7 de Mzo. de 2024
okay thank you !! I think I was able to resolve this issue however my target in coppeliasim is not moving in +0.01 position or minus when I am trying to control it through the keyboard input :/ do you know what could be the reason?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 7 de Mzo. de 2024
Are the statements such as
targetPosition(1) = targetPosition(1) + 0.01;
being executed?
Is keyPressed one of those four possibilities?

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