I for got the files
Need to put symbols on curve
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Moustafa Abedel Fattah
el 26 de Mzo. de 2024
Comentada: Mathieu NOE
el 27 de Mzo. de 2024
I write the following Matlab code (R2014b) for detecting the geological fault (break down) and the iclination angle and type of fault and I need to put the symboles of fault as in the secobd figuer of the annexed fike - the RasGhari BouguetProfile_AB.xlsx is anned
Thanks in advance
close all;
% Constants
G = 0.0067;
delt_rohj = 0.050;
% Load data from Excel file
% data = xlsread('RasGhari BouguetProfile_AB.xlsx');
data = xlsread('RasGhariSepBougtProfiles.xlsx');
xc = data(:, 1); % x-coordinate
gBt = data(:, 2); % Bouguer gravity anomaly
% Calculate gradient of the gravity anomaly profile
gradient_gBt = abs(gradient(gBt));
% Estimate the gradient threshold automatically
gradient_threshold = median(abs(gradient_gBt)) ; % Can adjust by multiplier as needed
% Detect fault locations
fault_locations = find(abs(gradient_gBt) > gradient_threshold);
% Initialize arrays to store fault angles and types
fault_angles = zeros(size(fault_locations));
fault_types = cell(size(fault_locations));
% Parameters
G = 6.67430e-3; % Gravitational constant
delt_rohj = 0.050; % Density contrast (example value, adjust as needed)
for i = 1:numel(fault_locations)
% Get indices for calculating fault properties
j = fault_locations(i);
if j == 1 || j == numel(xc)
continue; % Skip if fault is at the boundaries
% Calculate fault angle
C = abs(atan((gBt(j+1) - gBt(j-1)) / (xc(j+1) - xc(j-1)))); % Angle in Radians
B = rad2deg(C); % Angle in Degrees
% Calculate h (difference in gBt values)
h = gBt(i+1) - gBt(i);
g_fault_i = 2 * pi * G * delt_rohj * h *...
(1 + (1/pi) * atan(xc(i)./gBt(i) + cotd(B)) - (1/pi)...
* atan(xc(i)./gBt(i+1) + cotd(B)));
% Determine fault type
if B <= 90;
fault_type = 'Normal';
fault_type = 'Reverse';
% Store fault angle and type
fault_angles(i) = 90-B;
fault_types{i} = fault_type;
% Display results
disp('Detected Faults:');
disp('Location Angle (degrees) Type');
for i = 1:numel(fault_locations)
disp([num2str(xc(fault_locations(i))), ' ', num2str(fault_angles(i)), ' ', fault_types{i}]);
% Plotting
plot(xc, gBt, 'LineWidth', 1);
hold on;
grid on;
title('Bouguer Anomaly');
xlabel('Profile Points-xc');
ylabel('Gravity Anomaly');
legend('Bouguer Anomaly');
plot(xc, gBt, 'LineWidth', 1);
hold on;
grid on;
title('Bouguer Anomaly');
xlabel('Profile Points-xc');
ylabel('Gravity Anomaly');
% Add symbols for fault angles
for i = 1:numel(fault_locations)
x_fault = xc(fault_locations(i));
y_fault = gBt(fault_locations(i));
angle = fault_angles(i);
if strcmp(fault_types{i}, 'Normal')
symbol = 'o'; % Use circle for normal faults
symbol = 'x'; % Use cross for reverse faults
scatter(x_fault, y_fault, 100, 'Marker', symbol, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
% text(x_fault, y_fault, sprintf('%0.1f°', angle), 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right');
legend('Bouguer Anomaly', 'Faults', 'Location', 'best');
1 comentario
Respuesta aceptada
Mathieu NOE
el 26 de Mzo. de 2024
Like that ?

close all;
% Constants
G = 0.0067;
delt_rohj = 0.050;
% Load data from Excel file
% data = xlsread('RasGhari BouguetProfile_AB.xlsx');
data = xlsread('RasGhariSepBougtProfiles.xlsx');
xc = data(:, 1); % x-coordinate
gBt = data(:, 2); % Bouguer gravity anomaly
% Calculate gradient of the gravity anomaly profile
gradient_gBt = abs(gradient(gBt));
% Estimate the gradient threshold automatically
gradient_threshold = median(abs(gradient_gBt)) ; % Can adjust by multiplier as needed
% Detect fault locations
fault_locations = find(abs(gradient_gBt) > gradient_threshold);
% Initialize arrays to store fault angles and types
fault_angles = zeros(size(fault_locations));
fault_types = cell(size(fault_locations));
% Parameters
G = 6.67430e-3; % Gravitational constant
delt_rohj = 0.050; % Density contrast (example value, adjust as needed)
for i = 1:numel(fault_locations)
% Get indices for calculating fault properties
j = fault_locations(i);
if j == 1 || j == numel(xc)
continue; % Skip if fault is at the boundaries
% Calculate fault angle
C = abs(atan((gBt(j+1) - gBt(j-1)) / (xc(j+1) - xc(j-1)))); % Angle in Radians
B = rad2deg(C); % Angle in Degrees
% Calculate h (difference in gBt values)
h = gBt(i+1) - gBt(i);
g_fault_i = 2 * pi * G * delt_rohj * h *...
(1 + (1/pi) * atan(xc(i)./gBt(i) + cotd(B)) - (1/pi)...
* atan(xc(i)./gBt(i+1) + cotd(B)));
% Determine fault type
if B <= 90
fault_type = 'Normal';
fault_type = 'Reverse';
% Store fault angle and type
fault_angles(i) = 90-B;
fault_types{i} = fault_type;
% Display results
disp('Detected Faults:');
disp('Location Angle (degrees) Type');
for i = 1:numel(fault_locations)
disp([num2str(xc(fault_locations(i))), ' ', num2str(fault_angles(i)), ' ', fault_types{i}]);
% Plotting
plot(xc, gBt, 'LineWidth', 1);
hold on;
grid on;
title('Bouguer Anomaly');
xlabel('Profile Points-xc');
ylabel('Gravity Anomaly');
legend('Bouguer Anomaly');
plot(xc, gBt, 'LineWidth', 1);
hold on;
grid on;
title('Bouguer Anomaly');
xlabel('Profile Points-xc');
ylabel('Gravity Anomaly');
% Add symbols for fault angles
for i = 1:numel(fault_locations)
x_fault = xc(fault_locations(i));
y_fault = gBt(fault_locations(i));
angle = fault_angles(i);
if strcmp(fault_types{i}, 'Normal')
symbol = 'o'; % Use circle for normal faults
symbol = 'x'; % Use cross for reverse faults
scatter(x_fault, y_fault, 100, 'Marker', symbol, 'MarkerEdgeColor', 'r', 'LineWidth', 2);
% text(x_fault, y_fault, sprintf('%0.1f°', angle), 'VerticalAlignment', 'bottom', 'HorizontalAlignment', 'right');
% start and end indexes of fault locations
ind_end = find(diff(fault_locations)>1);
ind_start = [1; ind_end+1];
ind_all = [ind_start;ind_end];
for k = 1:numel(ind_all)
xx = xc(fault_locations(ind_all(k)));
yy = gBt(fault_locations(ind_all(k)));
plot([xx xx],[yy-2 yy+2],'-k','linewidth',2)
legend('Bouguer Anomaly', 'Faults', 'Location', 'best');
4 comentarios
Mathieu NOE
el 27 de Mzo. de 2024
hello again
ok, so what is the problem with another data set ? the code would need to be tweaked or ?
What we are looking at are segments with a slope above a treshold value , if I understand correctly
do you fear that this approach would not be robust enough with another data set ?
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