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How to accelerate the running speed of this code?
Here's an approach that may or may not be faster (depending on the size of your array X) and may or may not run (depending on th...

1 día hace | 0

Not able to use imread on images in subfolders
Take the first two outputs from uigetfile (the second output is the location of the selected file), and construct the full path ...

1 día hace | 1

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Mean of selected range of a matrix based on a range of values from another matrix
load('data_my.mat') T = table(month,sa,ta,sig); % only sig 27.4 to 27.5 idx = sig >= 27.4 & sig < 27.5; G = groupsummary...

2 días hace | 2

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MATLAB Giving "Dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type" Error When Attempting To Use Subs Function
You have a period in the last line where you should have a comma. That is, "y1.z1" should be "y1,z1".

2 días hace | 0

Mean values of matrix elements corresponding to increment of fixed column values
A = [0 1; 3 2; 1 3; 7 4; 2 5; 11 6]; dx = [0.5:2:6.5]; dy = groupsummary(A(:,1),discretize(A(:,2),dx),'mean')

2 días hace | 0

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plotting two types of data on one graph
% Initialize data (example setup) data = randi([1 2], 20, 1000); % Replace with your actual data data(rand(20, 1000) < 0.1) = ...

3 días hace | 0

Why the if loop are getting the exact values of the Kf_LMax values not the approximated values in the different phase of the Relative ligand Concentration?
prev_end = PhaseTimes(i - 1); That's the start of the previous phase, not the end of the previous phase. Using the previous ph...

4 días hace | 0

How to create a sequence of intervals
y=[2 -3 4 -1 6]; x=-4; intervalles=abs(x-y).*[-1;1]; Each column of intervalles contains one interval, accessed by ...

5 días hace | 1

set the tick format of y axis

6 días hace | 0

Non-integer value in for-loop
You can't use a number that's not a positive integer as an index, as in H(i) when i is 0 or 0.1, etc.. That's the problem. ...

7 días hace | 0

Create a figure with slider (before/after)
This File Exchange submission may be useful: <

7 días hace | 0

Plot exceeding time limit due to large dataset
You can replace those ~80000 plotted red, green, and blue lines with 3 lines: one red, one green, and one blue. Use NaNs in the...

9 días hace | 1

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Convert cell array of structures to numeric vector
ale{1}.a = 0; ale{2}.a = 1; ale{3}.a = 1.5 This will work for the given example: S = [ale{:}]; ale_vec = [S.a]

9 días hace | 0

For loop for different step size
M = [24 80; 24 80; 24 80; 24 80; 30 120; 30 120; 48 124; 48 124; 48 124]; [c,g] = groupcounts(M(:,2)) There are your y- and x-...

10 días hace | 0

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How to perform matrix math
fn = dir('*.csv'); % this call returns info about .csv files in the current directory; % you may need to mod...

10 días hace | 0

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I think, I might have a problem with the 'hold' part and I get the 'error while evaluating button privatebuttonpushedfcn'
You need to tell hold() and axis() to operate on your app's axes: ... hold(app.UIAxes,'on') ... hold(app.UIAxes,'o...

10 días hace | 1

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I am trying to convert the date data from the CSV file to datetime, but it shows error, how do I fix this
Looks like the format is 'dd-MMM-yy' rather than 'dd/MM/yy'. dates=datetime(dates,'InputFormat','dd-MMM-yy')

11 días hace | 0

Help with time variation graphs versus time
Here's an example, using made-up data in a file that more-or-less follows your file's format as far as I can tell: file_name = ...

11 días hace | 0

How do I point at certain columns in a .csv file and then run calculations on it?
You can modify the code as follows (specifying 9 header lines, and using only columns 2-4 of the matrix read): % appropriate di...

11 días hace | 0

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Two variable has the same array of 1 but the code show error
0,5 should be 0.5

11 días hace | 1

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How do I plot an integral which is repeated over an interval?
Make L a vector, use one element of L on each iteration of the for loop, pre-allocate alpha_bar_s before the loop to be the sa...

12 días hace | 0

Run a calculation on multiple different .csv files and export the result
See my recent comment on a closely related question:

12 días hace | 0

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doing operations on 1xN struct
Constructing a structure array: N = 2; S = struct('matrix_field',permute(num2cell(rand(3,3,N),[1 2]),[1 3 2]),'other_field',{'...

12 días hace | 0

Subtracting matrices by column and performing a summation.
3xX indicates 3 rows and X columns, but your subsequent explanation describes a matrix with X rows and 3 columns. I'm going to a...

12 días hace | 0

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how to plot 4D figure to describe changing in ocean ?
"I try to plot with surf but give me the surface changing" How did you use surf, and what was wrong with the result? Have ...

13 días hace | 0

Choose role of NaN when summing two matrices
Here's one way: aa=[1 2; 3 NaN]; bb=[NaN 1; 2 NaN]; tmp = cat(3,aa,bb); cc=sum(tmp,3,'omitnan'); cc(all(isnan(tmp),3)) = ...

14 días hace | 1

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embedding inset plots in subplots matlab
Supplying the tiledlayout t to nexttile (i.e., specifying nexttile(t)) seems to fix the problem. load my_data ym = 16; % De...

14 días hace | 0

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Matlab plots step response vs timestep number instead of time in seconds

14 días hace | 1

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Trying to use for loop to create an array of bandpass filters, but gets error "conversion to double from dfilt.df2sos is not possible"
Make bppf a cell array: bppf = cell(1,8); Then index bppf using curly braces instead of parentheses: bppf{i} = dfil...

15 días hace | 0

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how to parse text file read into cell array
filepath = '.'; filename = 'test.txt'; netlist = fileread(fullfile(filepath,filename)); % show the last part of netlist ...

15 días hace | 0

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