How to simulate my custom drone in jMAVSim with Matlab PX4 simulink ?

9 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I simulated a custom drone by replacing the STL files and file in the tools/simulation/jmavsim folder. And when i run the jMAV simulation from the PX4 make commands jMAVsim loads the custom model I given to it. But when I try to launch jMAVsim via simulink it loads the default 3dr_quadrotor. Kindly help me to load the simulator with my custom model when launching via simulink
  3 comentarios
Karukkuvel Raj
Karukkuvel Raj el 2 de Mayo de 2024
yes, " make px4_sitl jmavsim " loads my quadcopter model when entered from the terminal.
But when i click monitor & tune from simulink it (jMAVsim) only loads the default quad model.
Mariam Amin
Mariam Amin el 9 de Jul. de 2024
Hello, can you please tell me which stl files did you replace ? did you replace teh default aircraft files in the model folder?

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Arun Mathamkode
Arun Mathamkode el 11 de Jun. de 2024
Based on my undertsanding the only difference is, from Simulink the SITL and jMAVSim are launched seperately. I am not sure how that is impacting the visualization. I assume you replaced the STL file and its name and locations are unchanged, so the jamvsim should fetch the new model by default. Simulink is not looking for any specific vehicle type and whatever jMAVSim fetches by default is displayed.
One workaround I can think is do monitor and tune from Simulink and then stop the simulation and manually launch the SITL and jMAVSim using make command. Then do connect from Simulink. Have alook at Disconnect and connect section of this documentation.

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