Hi, I am using the position matrix below and the codes. However, it does not see the target starting from 16000 and continues as 15500,15000,14500 etc. Where is my mistake?
position_matrix = [
1 5505 6472 6604 6990 7539 7940 8313 8498 9003 9652 10533 16000 0
2 5610 6346 6691 6939 7628 8036 8354 8618 9065 9553 10286 15900 0
3 5673 6392 6554 6902 7657 7876 8526 8494 8985 9652 10536 15800 0
4 5585 6407 6668 6921 7488 7979 8409 8661 9007 9517 10424 15700 6850
5 5636 6493 6673 6890 7569 7865 8343 8476 9071 9487 10268 15600 0
6 5586 6400 6647 6936 7546 7937 8403 8713 9093 9442 10489 15500 0
7 5673 6448 6595 6984 7675 7882 8342 8725 9069 9487 10342 13000 0
8 5640 6456 6614 7055 7541 7935 8295 8519 9096 9629 10558 12500 1500
9 5620 6320 6645 7039 7693 7874 8401 8510 9053 9450 10452 12000 0
10 5505 6315 6607 7012 7479 7942 8427 8673 9065 9636 10532 11500 0
11 5526 6449 6662 7031 7515 7987 8321 8683 8989 9573 10268 11000 2500
12 5632 6494 6601 6920 7523 8068 8363 8631 8878 9532 10461 0 0
13 5645 6429 6680 7082 7497 7882 8428 8693 9090 9619 10307 0 0
14 5589 6496 6657 6950 7590 7934 8380 8589 9120 9658 10329 0 0
15 5597 6459 6699 7039 7488 7914 8313 8674 8967 9653 10461 0 8000
16 5525 6400 6593 6971 7682 8040 8393 8654 8874 9544 10430 0 0
17 5637 6348 6514 6893 7496 7849 8426 8649 9062 9518 10338 0 0
18 5671 6334 6539 7099 7621 7949 8323 8495 9003 9461 10455 0 0
19 5551 6498 6691 7084 7556 8069 8306 8569 8974 9683 10364 0 0
20 5645 6410 6513 6980 7621 8068 8299 8483 8874 9452 10521 0 0
21 5655 6481 6583 7041 7593 8069 8437 8519 8960 9641 10331 0 0
22 5559 6474 6519 7072 7529 8015 8361 8628 8982 9546 10406 0 0
23 5639 6456 6644 6931 7491 7906 8374 8559 8932 9575 10541 5000 9575
24 5587 6469 6521 7033 7498 7996 8489 8693 8883 9482 10320 4500 0
25 5608 6336 6645 6946 7569 8045 8300 8659 9110 9443 10368 4000 0
26 5548 6504 6585 6973 7656 8057 8375 8688 8892 9482 10494 3500 0
JPDA_tracker = trackerJPDA( ... %'FilterInitializationFcn',@initIMMFilter,...
'MaxNumTracks', 50, ...
'FilterInitializationFcn',@initekfimm, ... % @initcvukf
'MaxNumSensors', 1, ...
'ConfirmationThreshold', [2 2],...
'DeletionThreshold', [2 3], ... % 30
'AssignmentThreshold',[3000 10000], ...
'TrackLogic','History'); % 'NewTargetDensity', beta,...
thPlot = theaterPlot('XLimits',[0 16000], 'Ylimits', [0 16000]);
trPlotter = trackPlotter(thPlot,'DisplayName','tracks', 'HistoryDepth',100,'Marker','o','MarkerSize',8,'MarkerFaceColor','green');
posSelector = [1 0 0 0 0 0; 0 0 1 0 0 0; 0 0 0 0 0 0]; % [x, y, 0]
title('JPDA Tracker');
time = position_matrix(:,1);
for tgt=1:size(position_matrix,1)
kk = 1;
for ii = 2: size(position_matrix,2)
x = position_matrix(tgt,ii);
if any(x) && x~=0
detections(kk) = {objectDetection(time(tgt),[x;x*0.8;0]);};
kk = kk+1;
confirmedTracks = JPDA_tracker(detections, time(tgt))
[pos,cov] = getTrackPositions(confirmedTracks,posSelector);
detections = {};