sol = solve((log(z))^4 - ((21.233/53.989)^3)*z > 0, z, 'ReturnConditions', true)
sol = struct with fields:
z: x
parameters: x
conditions: x < (36893488147419103232*lambertw(-1, -(8766535218140255^(1/4)*144115188075855872^(3/4))/576460752303423488)^4)/8766535218140255 & 6121026514868073/22517998136...
When writing the function in MATLAB, please use `log(z)^4` instead of `(log(z))^4`. Additionally, your work should apply to all \( x \) in the range \((e^e, \infty)\), not just a specific region. I believe the end of your work should align with Sam's work. I want to thank both of you for your efforts.
While your analysis is thorough, it appears that you've mainly focused on situations where the inequality can be replaced by an equation, rather than identifying where the inequality holds true. If we could also address those instances, it would provide a more comprehensive understanding of the scenario.Also ,The paper discussing this problem states that the inequality does not hold for \( x \) in the interval \((e^{482036}, \infty)\).
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