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Reinforcement Learning: competitive or collaborative options in MARL Matlab

9 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I am trying to set up three explorer agents to explore the unknown area in collobrative or competive manners. I am wondering how I can set up this in Matlab, is there any options?

Respuestas (1)

Shivani el 13 de Jun. de 2024
Editada: Shivani el 13 de Jun. de 2024
You can set up three explorer agents to collaboratively perform a particular task in Simulink by using the Reinforcement Learning Toolbox.
Kindly refer to this example, which elaborates on training multiple agents to perform a collaborative task, for more details on implementation:
It is important to mention here that multi-training is only supported in Simulink. If you have an environment created in MATLAB you could copy and paste the core parts like the reward and step function into a MATLAB Fcn block in Simulink as a workaround. You can look at the following MATLAB answer thred for more details:
Hope this helps!





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