I downloaded the WFDB Toolbox for Matlab onto my Mac and successfully ran the demonstration tests to prove that the download had happened.
However, when I try to open and examine the MIMIC2 database, I am running into what seems to be path problems. I used rdsamp to open the database (from the command window) as follows and get the error message right below:
>> [signal,Fs,tm]=rdsamp('mimic2wdb/30', [1 3 5],1000);
Error using rdsamp (line 203)
Could not find record: mimic2wdb/30. Search path is set to: '. /Users/ramkrishnan/Desktop/MIMIC to Matlab/mcode/../database/
I also tried
urlread(['http://physionet.org/physiobank/database/' 'mimic2wdb/30' '/RECORDS'],1)
but got an error that the records were too long.
By the way, the demo with the MITDB record appears to work because it (MITDB) seems to be loaded onto my drive. The problem is accessing the remote physionet db.
Anybody have suggestions on how to open and examine the MIMIC2 or MIMIC3 db from Matlab?