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Problem of rotation of surface on xy plane

56 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Elisa el 18 de Jul. de 2024 a las 10:53
Comentada: Star Strider hace alrededor de 12 horas
Hi everyone,
I am using this code on this point cloud imported in XYZ format, in which I would like to calculate the difference between the maximum and minimum points in the profile. To do this, the cloud must be rotated on the XY plane (see output figure). However, it seems to have an incorrect rotation. Can someone help me fix the rotation?
Thank you very much
clear all
close all
X = xyz_c1p1(:,1);
Y = xyz_c1p1(:,2);
Z = xyz_c1p1(:,3);
A=xyz_c1p1-xyz0; % center the data at zero
% Find the direction of most variance using SVD and rotate the data to make
% that the x-axis
T=makehgtform('axisrotate', a, -atan2(norm(a),V(3,3)));;
A_rot = A*R;
A_rot = A_rot + [xyz0(1) xyz0(2) 0]; % move so the centers are aligned in z-diection
% Plot the raw data
close all
hold on
axis equal
Zmax = max(A_rot(:,3))
Zmin = min(A_rot(:,3))
Rz = Zmax - Zmin
hold on
% Alpha Shape

Respuestas (3)

Hassaan el 18 de Jul. de 2024 a las 11:14
clear all;
close all;
% Load your point cloud data
load('xyz_c1p1'); % Assuming 'xyz_c1p1' is in the format [X, Y, Z]
X = xyz_c1p1(:,1);
Y = xyz_c1p1(:,2);
Z = xyz_c1p1(:,3);
% Center the data at zero
xyz0 = mean(xyz_c1p1, 1);
A = xyz_c1p1 - xyz0;
% Find the direction of most variance using SVD and align it with the Z-axis
[~, ~, V] = svd(A, 0);
% Rotation to align the principal component with the Z-axis
axis = cross(V(:,3), [0; 0; 1]); % Cross product to find the rotation axis
angle = acos(dot(V(:,3), [0; 0; 1]) / (norm(V(:,3)) * norm([0; 0; 1]))); % Angle calculation
R = axang2rotm([axis' angle]); % Create a rotation matrix from axis-angle
% Apply rotation
A_rot = (R * A')'; % Rotate and transpose back
A_rot = A_rot + repmat(xyz0, size(A_rot, 1), 1);
% Plot the raw data
scatter3(X, Y, Z, 0.1, "magenta");
hold on;
% Plot the rotated data
scatter3(A_rot(:,1), A_rot(:,2), A_rot(:,3), 0.1, 'blue');
xlabel('X-Axis', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
ylabel('Y-Axis', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
zlabel('Z-Axis', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
axis equal;
title('Raw and Rotated Point Cloud');
% Calculate the range of Z-values after rotation
Zmax = max(A_rot(:,3));
Zmin = min(A_rot(:,3));
Rz = Zmax - Zmin;
disp(['Range in Z after rotation: ', num2str(Rz)]);
% Alpha Shape to visualize the boundary of the point cloud (optional)
shpINT = alphaShape(A_rot, 5);
title('Alpha Shape of Rotated Point Cloud');
VolAlphaShapeINT = volume(shpINT);
disp(['Volume of Alpha Shape: ', num2str(VolAlphaShapeINT)]);
  1 comentario
Elisa el 18 de Jul. de 2024 a las 13:05
dear @Hassaan thank so much for your kind reply and help!! is not easy to explain what I need. I try uploading an example of what I need:
the original point cloud has specific coordinates x,y,z and I want to rotate my point cloud in the same way you see in the above picture, i.e. on the x-y plane, with z = 0. In that way I can calculate the roughness as
Rz = Zmax - Zmin;
I hope to be more clear now. Thank you so so much!!!

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Star Strider
Star Strider el 18 de Jul. de 2024 a las 14:33
Editada: Star Strider el 18 de Jul. de 2024 a las 16:39
I am not certain what you want. Yopur data do not appear to define a surface, instead they appear almost linear.
An alternative approach culd be something like this —
% clear all
% close all
% clc
X = xyz_c1p1(:,1);
Y = xyz_c1p1(:,2);
Z = xyz_c1p1(:,3);
B = [X Y ones(size(X))] \ Z; % Simple Multitple Linear Regeression
Zfit = [X Y ones(size(X))] * B; % Fit To Data
[Azf,Elf,Rf] = cart2sph(X, Y, Zfit); % Convert Fit
[Azd,Eld,Rd] = cart2sph(X, Y, Z); % Convert Data
scatter3(X, Y, Z, '.', 'DisplayName','Data')
hold on
plot3(X, Y, Zfit, '-r', 'LineWidth',2, 'DisplayName','Regression')
hold off
legend('Location', 'best')
hp31 = plot3(X, Y, Z, '.', 'DisplayName','Data');
hold on
hp32 = plot3(X, Y, Zfit, '-r', 'LineWidth',2, 'DisplayName','Regression');
hold off
grid on
title('Rotated Plot')
legend('Location', 'best')
Azc = mean(rad2deg(Azf));
Elc = mean(rad2deg(Elf));
orign = mean([X Y Z]);
rotate(hp31, [Elc/90 -Azc/90 0], 90, orign)
rotate(hp32, [Elc/90 -Azc/90 0], 90, orign)
Xr = hp31.XData
Xr = 1x3188
534.3975 512.9273 540.2768 537.8913 536.3009 535.5057 534.7105 533.9153 535.0235 534.2283 533.4331 532.9510 534.0592 543.1992 542.4041 540.8137 540.0185 539.2233 538.4281 537.6329 533.6569 532.8618 532.0666 531.2714 512.9820 512.1868 533.9700 533.1748 532.3796 531.5844
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
Yr = hp31.YData
Yr = 1x3188
901.4372 885.0655 906.9204 905.1013 903.8886 903.2822 902.6759 902.0695 903.9146 903.3082 902.7018 903.3342 905.1792 906.3863 905.7799 904.5672 903.9608 903.3545 902.7481 902.1418 899.1100 898.5036 897.8972 897.2909 883.3446 882.7383 900.3486 899.7423 899.1359 898.5296
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
Zr = hp31.ZData
Zr = 1x3188
676.5572 676.5572 677.1635 677.1635 677.1635 677.1635 677.1635 677.1635 677.7699 677.7699 677.7699 678.3762 678.9826 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 677.3524 677.3524 677.3524 677.3524
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
Zfitr = hp32.ZData
Zfitr = 1x3188
676.5572 676.5572 677.1635 677.1635 677.1635 677.1635 677.1635 677.1635 677.7699 677.7699 677.7699 678.3762 678.9826 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 676.7460 677.3524 677.3524 677.3524 677.3524
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
% figure
% scatter3(Xr, Yr, Zfitr, '.', 'DisplayName','Regression')
% hold on
% scatter3(Xr, Yr, Zr, '.', 'DisplayName','Data')
% hold off
% xlabel('Az')
% ylabel('El')
% zlabel('R')
% legend('Location', 'best')
[Az1,Az2] = bounds(Azf)
Az1 = 0.7615
Az2 = 1.2281
[El1,El2] = bounds(Elf)
El1 = 0.3869
El2 = 1.0590
[R1,R2] = bounds(Rf)
R1 = 783.8440
R2 = 1.2100e+03
Rrsd = Zfitr - Zr; % Calculate Residuals
stem3(Xr, Yr, Rrsd, '.', 'LineWidth',0.01)
axlims = axis;
hold on
patch([axlims([1 2]) axlims([2 1])], [axlims([3 3]) axlims([4 4])], zeros(1,4), 'r', 'FaceAlpha',0.25 )
hold off
A=xyz_c1p1-xyz0; % center the data at zero
% Find the direction of most variance using SVD and rotate the data to make
% that the x-axis
T=makehgtform('axisrotate', a, -atan2(norm(a),V(3,3)));;
A_rot = A*R;
A_rot = A_rot + [xyz0(1) xyz0(2) 0]; % move so the centers are aligned in z-diection
% Plot the raw data
close all
hold on
% scatter3(A_rot(:,1),A_rot(:,2),A_rot(:,3),0.1,'blue');
axis equal
Zmax = max(A_rot(:,3))
Zmin = min(A_rot(:,3))
Rz = Zmax - Zmin
hold on
% Alpha Shape
EDIT — (18 Jul 2024 at 16:39)
Added Rotated Plot and recalculated Residuals from the rotated data.
  5 comentarios
Star Strider
Star Strider el 19 de Jul. de 2024 a las 10:47
Editada: Star Strider el 19 de Jul. de 2024 a las 12:08
The Rotated Plot is not absolutely flat (that may not be possible since it is of coures a point cloud), however it is reasonably close.
This is the best I can do —
% clear all
% close all
% clc
X = xyz_c1p1(:,1);
Y = xyz_c1p1(:,2);
Z = xyz_c1p1(:,3);
B = [X Y ones(size(X))] \ Z; % Simple Multitple Linear Regeression
Zfit = [X Y ones(size(X))] * B; % Fit To Data
[Azf,Elf,Rf] = cart2sph(X, Y, Zfit); % Convert Fit
[Azd,Eld,Rd] = cart2sph(X, Y, Z); % Convert Data
scatter3(X, Y, Z, '.', 'DisplayName','Data')
hold on
plot3(X, Y, Zfit, '-r', 'LineWidth',2, 'DisplayName','Regression')
hold off
legend('Location', 'best')
hp31 = plot3(X, Y, Z, '.', 'DisplayName','Data');
hold on
hp32 = plot3(X, Y, Zfit, '-r', 'LineWidth',2, 'DisplayName','Regression');
hold off
grid on
title('Rotated Plot')
legend('Location', 'best')
Azc = mean(rad2deg(Azf));
Elc = mean(rad2deg(Elf));
orign = mean([X Y Z]);
orign = [0 0 0];
rotate(hp31, [Elc/45 -Azc/45 0], 45, orign)
rotate(hp32, [Elc/45 -Azc/45 0], 45, orign)
Xr = hp31.XData;
Yr = hp31.YData;
Zr = hp31.ZData;
Zfitr = hp32.ZData;
meanZr = mean(Zr)
meanZr = 896.2878
meanZfitr = mean(Zfitr)
meanZfitr = 896.2878
[minZr,maxZr] = bounds(Zr-meanZr)
minZr = -266.3257
maxZr = 277.1837
[minZfitr,maxZfitr] = bounds(Zfitr-meanZfitr)
minZfitr = -256.6166
maxZfitr = 266.5059
scatter3(Xr, Yr, Zfitr-meanZfitr, '.', 'DisplayName','Regression')
hold on
scatter3(Xr, Yr, Zr-meanZr, '.', 'DisplayName','Data')
axlims = axis;
patch([axlims([1 2]) axlims([2 1])], [axlims([3 3]) axlims([4 4])], zeros(1,4), 'r', 'FaceAlpha',0.25, 'DisplayName','Zero Plane')
hold off
% xlabel('Az')
% ylabel('El')
% zlabel('R')
legend('Location', 'best')
grid on
zlim([minZfitr maxZr])
[Az1,Az2] = bounds(Azf)
Az1 = 0.7615
Az2 = 1.2281
[El1,El2] = bounds(Elf)
El1 = 0.3869
El2 = 1.0590
[R1,R2] = bounds(Rf)
R1 = 783.8440
R2 = 1.2100e+03
Rrsd = Zfitr - Zr; % Calculate Residuals
stem3(Xr, Yr, Rrsd, '.', 'LineWidth',0.01)
axlims = axis;
hold on
patch([axlims([1 2]) axlims([2 1])], [axlims([3 3]) axlims([4 4])], zeros(1,4), 'r', 'FaceAlpha',0.25 )
hold off
% xlabel('Az')
% ylabel('El')
% zlabel('R')
Stopping here, unless I can get some further insight into this.
Good luck!
EDIT — (19 Jul 2024 att 12:08)
Note thtat you can interactively rotate your figure in the user interface by clicking on the appropriate icon in the top toolstrip (alternatively by invoking the rotate3d function). The azimutth and elevattion will appear in the lower left corner of the figure UI as you do this. (Record those somewhere.) When you find a rotation that gives you the result you want, you can save that figure (saving it as a .fig file is best, since that preserves all the information) and then use that information in your code. You can also do that in the figure UI by clicking on the ‘File’ option in the top toolstrip.
Star Strider
Star Strider hace alrededor de 12 horas
Running yur code, checking ‘distances’ reveals that they are all on the order of so none of them are . The following if block evaluates correctly and fills ‘min_z_values’ with NaN. (I also checked to be certain that there are no NaN values or 0 values in your data, since that can cause NaN values to appear as the results of calculatitons. There aren’t so that’s not the problem.)
I don’t understand how your code works, so that’s the best I can do with respect to ttroubleshooting it.
My analysis —
clear all
close all
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes XYZ 325728x3 7817472 double
% Lm = any(isnan(XYZ))
% Lm0 = any(XYZ == 0)
% return
X = XYZ(:,1);
Y = XYZ(:,2);
Z = XYZ(:,3);
A=XYZ-xyz0; % center the data at zero
% Find the direction of most variance using SVD and rotate the data to make
% that the x-axis
T=makehgtform('axisrotate', a, -atan2(norm(a),V(3,3)));
A_rot = A*R;
A_rot = A_rot + [xyz0(1) xyz0(2) 0]; % move so the centers are aligned in z-diection
% Plot the original point cloud
close all
hold on
axis equal
% line equation parameters
slope = -69 / 41;
intercept = 45999 / 41;
% Define the coordinate ranges
x_min = min(A_rot(1,:));
x_max = max(A_rot(1,:));
z_min = 0;
z_max = max(A_rot(3,:));
% Number of planes
num_planes = 5;
% Extend the length of the line by increasing the range of x values
extended_x_min = x_min - 50;
extended_x_max = x_max + 50;
% Generate points on the initial line for plotting
x_line = linspace(extended_x_min, extended_x_max, 100);
y_line = slope * x_line + intercept;
z_line = zeros(size(x_line)); % Line in the XY plane at z = 0
% Define the spacing between planes
intercept_spacing = linspace(intercept, intercept + (num_planes - 1) * 100, num_planes);
% Generate the grid for the planes
[x_plane, z_plane] = meshgrid(linspace(extended_x_min, extended_x_max, 100), linspace(-100, 100, 100));
% Plot the line
hold on;
plot3(x_line, y_line, z_line, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
min_z_values = zeros(num_planes, 1);
max_z_values = zeros(num_planes, 1);
% Plot the vertical planes and calculate min/max z values
for i = 1:num_planes
current_intercept = intercept_spacing(i);
y_plane = slope * x_plane + current_intercept;
surf(x_plane, y_plane, z_plane, 'FaceAlpha', 0.5, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
% Calculate the distance of each point to the current plane
y_plane_point = slope * A_rot(1,:) + current_intercept;
distances = abs(A_rot(2,:) - y_plane_point)
% Select points within a mm range of the plane
within_range = distances <= 50;
% Extract the z values of the points within the range
z_values_within_range = A_rot(3, within_range)
% Calculate min and max z values for the selected points
if ~isempty(z_values_within_range)
min_z_values(i) = min(z_values_within_range);
max_z_values(i) = max(z_values_within_range);
min_z_values(i) = NaN; % No points within range
max_z_values(i) = NaN; % No points within range
distances = 1x3
1.0e+03 * 1.0219 1.1225 1.1183
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
z_values_within_range = 1x0 empty double row vector
distances = 1x3
1.0e+03 * 1.1219 1.0225 1.2183
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
z_values_within_range = 1x0 empty double row vector
distances = 1x3
1.0e+03 * 1.2219 0.9225 1.3183
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
z_values_within_range = 1x0 empty double row vector
distances = 1x3
1.0e+03 * 1.3219 0.8225 1.4183
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
z_values_within_range = 1x0 empty double row vector
distances = 1x3
1.0e+03 * 1.4219 0.7225 1.5183
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
<mw-icon class=""></mw-icon>
z_values_within_range = 1x0 empty double row vector
% Add labels and title
title('Parallel Vertical Planes and Point Cloud Analysis');
% Add grid and axis equal
grid on;
axis equal;
% Add legend
legend('Line', 'Vertical Planes');
hold off;
% Display the min and max z values
disp('Min Z values for each plane:');
Min Z values for each plane:
disp('Max Z values for each plane:');
Max Z values for each plane:

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Ruchika Parag
Ruchika Parag el 19 de Jul. de 2024 a las 7:41
Hi Elisa, to address the rotation issue in your point cloud data, we need to ensure that the rotation aligns the profile correctly along the XY plane. The current code uses Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) to find the principal components, but the rotation might not be applied correctly to achieve the desired orientation.Please modify your code as follows that ensures the rotation aligns the point cloud properly along the XY plane:
clear all
close all
% Load the point cloud data
% Extract X, Y, Z coordinates
X = xyz_c1p1(:,1);
Y = xyz_c1p1(:,2);
Z = xyz_c1p1(:,3);
% Center the data at zero
xyz0 = mean(xyz_c1p1, 1);
A = xyz_c1p1 - xyz0;
% Perform SVD to find the principal axes
[~, ~, V] = svd(A, 'econ');
% Calculate the rotation matrix to align the first principal component with the X-axis
rotationAngle = atan2(V(2,1), V(1,1));
R = [cos(rotationAngle) -sin(rotationAngle) 0;
sin(rotationAngle) cos(rotationAngle) 0;
0 0 1];
% Rotate the data
A_rot = A * R;
% Translate back to the original center
A_rot = A_rot + xyz0;
% Plot the original and rotated data
scatter3(X, Y, Z, 0.1, "magenta");
hold on;
scatter3(A_rot(:,1), A_rot(:,2), A_rot(:,3), 0.1, 'blue');
xlabel('X-Axis', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
ylabel('Y-Axis', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
zlabel('Z-Axis', 'FontSize', 14, 'FontWeight', 'bold');
axis equal;
% Calculate the difference between max and min Z values in the rotated data
Zmax = max(A_rot(:,3));
Zmin = min(A_rot(:,3));
Rz = Zmax - Zmin;
% Display the results
disp(['Maximum Z: ', num2str(Zmax)]);
disp(['Minimum Z: ', num2str(Zmin)]);
disp(['Difference (Rz): ', num2str(Rz)]);
% Alpha Shape
shpINT = alphaShape(A_rot(:,1:2), 5); % Use only X and Y for alpha shape
VolAlphaShapeINT = volume(shpINT);
disp(['Volume of Alpha Shape: ', num2str(VolAlphaShapeINT)]);
This revised code should give you the correct rotation of your point cloud data on the XY plane. Hope this helps!
  2 comentarios
Elisa el 19 de Jul. de 2024 a las 8:16
dear @Ruchika Parag tahnk you so much for your help! unfortunately this is still not what I need. I try to insert a skecth below. I would like to rotate the point cloud based on the same origin of the original one, without changing coordinates x and y. At the end it should be on z = 0 (see pictures uploaded in the last answer). Hope to be more clear.
Elisa hace alrededor de 15 horas
I tried to fix the issue starting from the original point cloud and extracting a series of planes parallel to the maximum dip of the point cloud (i manually calculated the equation of the line of maximum dip and then i extracted 5 planes parallel each others). On those plane I tried to fix a distance and select all the points within it, with the final aim to determine the z values of those planes. However, I get NaN values, also changing the distance. I upload here the code. Can you help me identifying the problem? Thank you so much
clear all
close all
X = XYZ(:,1);
Y = XYZ(:,2);
Z = XYZ(:,3);
A=XYZ-xyz0; % center the data at zero
% Find the direction of most variance using SVD and rotate the data to make
% that the x-axis
T=makehgtform('axisrotate', a, -atan2(norm(a),V(3,3)));
A_rot = A*R;
A_rot = A_rot + [xyz0(1) xyz0(2) 0]; % move so the centers are aligned in z-diection
% Plot the original point cloud
close all
hold on
axis equal
% line equation parameters
slope = -69 / 41;
intercept = 45999 / 41;
% Define the coordinate ranges
x_min = min(A_rot(1,:));
x_max = max(A_rot(1,:));
z_min = 0;
z_max = max(A_rot(3,:));
% Number of planes
num_planes = 5;
% Extend the length of the line by increasing the range of x values
extended_x_min = x_min - 50;
extended_x_max = x_max + 50;
% Generate points on the initial line for plotting
x_line = linspace(extended_x_min, extended_x_max, 100);
y_line = slope * x_line + intercept;
z_line = zeros(size(x_line)); % Line in the XY plane at z = 0
% Define the spacing between planes
intercept_spacing = linspace(intercept, intercept + (num_planes - 1) * 100, num_planes);
% Generate the grid for the planes
[x_plane, z_plane] = meshgrid(linspace(extended_x_min, extended_x_max, 100), linspace(-100, 100, 100));
% Plot the line
hold on;
plot3(x_line, y_line, z_line, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 2);
min_z_values = zeros(num_planes, 1);
max_z_values = zeros(num_planes, 1);
% Plot the vertical planes and calculate min/max z values
for i = 1:num_planes
current_intercept = intercept_spacing(i);
y_plane = slope * x_plane + current_intercept;
surf(x_plane, y_plane, z_plane, 'FaceAlpha', 0.5, 'EdgeColor', 'none');
% Calculate the distance of each point to the current plane
y_plane_point = slope * A_rot(1,:) + current_intercept;
distances = abs(A_rot(2,:) - y_plane_point);
% Select points within a mm range of the plane
within_range = distances <= 50;
% Extract the z values of the points within the range
z_values_within_range = A_rot(3, within_range);
% Calculate min and max z values for the selected points
if ~isempty(z_values_within_range)
min_z_values(i) = min(z_values_within_range);
max_z_values(i) = max(z_values_within_range);
min_z_values(i) = NaN; % No points within range
max_z_values(i) = NaN; % No points within range
% Add labels and title
title('Parallel Vertical Planes and Point Cloud Analysis');
% Add grid and axis equal
grid on;
axis equal;
% Add legend
legend('Line', 'Vertical Planes');
hold off;
% Display the min and max z values
disp('Min Z values for each plane:');
disp('Max Z values for each plane:');

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