Could anyone assist me with solving this maximization problem in MATLAB? I need to maximize the following function and determine the optimal values of r and t.
Invalid expression. Check for missing multiplication operator, missing or unbalanced delimiters, or other syntax error. To construct matrices, use brackets instead of parentheses.
Addressing your query about, “ assist me with solving this maximization problem in MATLAB”, I first defined the symbolic function 'f' in terms of variables 'r' and 't'. It then finds the maximum value of 'f' and the corresponding optimal values of 'r' and 't'. Finally, it converts the symbolic solutions to numeric values and displays the optimal values of 'r' and 't'. Here is updated code,
fmincon minimizes your function so you should adjust the output so that going to minimum means you are maximizing. for instance instead of outputing y, you can output (-y) so that minimizing (-y) maximizes y.
The workflow to optimize a nonlinear multivariable function is as follows:
Firstly, the equation that has to be optimized must be parameterized to use the Optimization Toolbox routines. The variables undergoing optimization should be the parameters. Please refer to this documentation page that describes how to parameterize functions and equations -
In the next step, the negated value of the parameterized equation should be passed to the function “fmincon”. This function finds the minimum of a constrained nonlinear multivariable function. So, by passing the negated value of the parameterized equation, the maximum is obtained. Please refer to the documentation of “fmincon” here -
Please refer to two other MATLAB Answers posts that discuss the optimization of a function with two variables in detail. The links for the same are attached below:
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