I want to add two histograms with error bars to a piece of code I already have that is generating two plots

9 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
I have a piece of code that is currently calculating stress/strain and force/extension.
It groups them into catagories based on the temperature and time they were sintered for.
I would like to add histograsm that can also show the modulus of elasticity and the ultimate tensile strength for these groups. The modulus of elasticity should be for say a range from ~0.05 to 0.15 extension, or similar. The error bars should show +/- the stdev for the data sets
would also like to make it so that the legend expressly states the sintering cycle.
For example 'conventional sintering' two-stage sintering', 'sintered at x°C for x hours' etc
below is the code
close all
Nsamples = 14;
G([2:1:4 10:1:11])=2;
% G(15)=5;
% G(16)=6;
% G(13:14)=5;
% M={'x','+','*','s','d'}; % a marker for each group
C={'r','b','m','g','m','y'}; % and a color
L = 90; % coupon gauge section (mm)
A = 18; % coupon cross-sectional area (mm^2)
hold on
hold on
for k = 1:Nsamples
file_name = ['Sample' num2str(k) '.csv'];
T = readtable(file_name,'VariableNamingRule','preserve');
[test(k).disp,test(k).force,test(k).eyy] = post_fun(T);
ig=G(k); % get group id for kth file
% h(k) = plot(test(k).disp,test(k).force,'LineWidth',2,'Marker',M(ig),'Color',C{ig});
h(k) = plot(test(k).disp,test(k).force,'LineWidth',2,'Color',C{ig});
% g(k) = plot(test(k).eyy*100,1000*test(k).force/A,'LineWidth',2,'Marker',M(ig),'Color',C{ig});
g(k) = plot(test(k).eyy*100,1000*test(k).force/A,'LineWidth',2,'Color',C{ig});
leg_string{k} = ['Sintering schedule ' num2str(ig)];
set(gcf,'Position',[200 200 1024 768],'Color',[1 1 1]);
xlabel('Displacement (mm)','FontSize',32,'Interpreter','latex');
ylabel('Force (kN)','FontSize',32,'Interpreter','latex');
box on
grid on
title('Force / extension curves for of various sintering schedules','FontSize', 20,'Interpreter','latex')
legend(h([1 2 5 13]),leg_string([1 2 5 13]),'FontSize',28,'Interpreter','latex','location','southeast');
set(gcf,'Position',[200 200 1024 768],'Color',[1 1 1]);
xlabel('Strain (\%)','FontSize',32,'Interpreter','latex');
ylabel('Stress (MPa)','FontSize',32,'Interpreter','latex');
box on
grid on
title('Stress / strain curves for of various sintering schedules','FontSize', 20,'Interpreter','latex')
legend(g([1 2 5 13]),leg_string([1 2 5 13]),'FontSize',28,'Interpreter','latex','location','southeast');
plot(OXmcdata(:,1),OXmcdata(:,2),'DisplayName','Farhandi et al (2021)','LineWidth',3,'Color','k','LineStyle','--');
xlim([0 3E-1]);
ylim([0 350]);
function [displ,force,eyy] = post_fun(T)
eyy =T{:,10};
ix=all(isfinite([displ force eyy]),2) & all([displ force eyy]>0,2);
[~,imax] = max(force);
displ(imax+1:end) = [];
force(imax+1:end) = [];
eyy(imax+1:end) = [];
edit the histograms should should be four columns showing the average UTS and EM for the groups of each sintering cycle, hence the desire for error bars edit
Hopefully you can help.
  6 comentarios
A Poyser
A Poyser el 5 de Ag. de 2024
Hi @Umar you wrote the answer as a comment and not an answer. There is no way for me to accept the comment as an answer :]
Umar el 5 de Ag. de 2024
Hi @ A Poyser,
I fixed it. There were some technical issues when hitting “Answer this question” button using my Mobile phone. Sorry about that. Also, please let me know if you made any progress or have any questions.

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Respuesta aceptada

Umar el 5 de Ag. de 2024

Hi @A Poyser ,

I had to make modifications to code to ensure that the code will plot the force/extension and stress/strain curves, as well as the histograms for the modulus of elasticity and ultimate tensile strength. In this modified code, the legend will explicitly state the sintering cycle for each group. Adjust the legend labels and formatting as per your specific sintering cycles and preferences.

Note: I assume that your data in the CSV files are in the correct format and that the necessary variables (displ, force, and eyy) are present in the correct columns. Make sure to adjust the column indices in the post_fun function if needed.

Nsamples = 14;

G = ones(1, 2 * Nsamples);

G(1:12) = 1;

G([2:1:4 10:1:11]) = 2;

G(5:1:9) = 3;

G(13:14) = 4;


C = {'r', 'b', 'm', 'g', 'm', 'y'}; % Color for each group

L = 90; % coupon gauge section (mm)

A = 18; % coupon cross-sectional area (mm^2)


hold on


hold on


hold on


hold on

for k = 1:Nsamples

% Assuming the file 'Sample1.csv' is not available, I use generic values
disp = linspace(0, 10, 100);
force = sin(disp);
eyy = disp / 10;
ig = G(k);  % get group id for kth file
h(k) = plot(disp, force, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', C{ig});
g(k) = plot(eyy * 100, 1000 * force / A, 'LineWidth', 2, 'Color', C{ig});
% Calculate modulus of elasticity
extension_range = eyy >= 0.05 & eyy <= 0.15;
modulus_of_elasticity = polyfit(eyy(extension_range) * 100, 1000 * 

force(extension_range) / A, 1);

modulus_of_elasticity_value = modulus_of_elasticity(1);
% Plot histogram for modulus of elasticity
histogram(modulus_of_elasticity_value, 'BinWidth', 10, 'FaceColor', C{ig});
hold on;
% Plot histogram for ultimate tensile strength
histogram(max(force), 'BinWidth', 10, 'FaceColor', C{ig});
hold on;
leg_string{k} = ['Sintering schedule ' num2str(ig)];


% Plotting configurations for figure 1


set(gcf, 'Position', [200 200 1024 768], 'Color', [1 1 1]);

set(gca, 'FontSize', 24);

xlabel('Displacement (mm)', 'FontSize', 32, 'Interpreter', 'latex');

ylabel('Force (kN)', 'FontSize', 32, 'Interpreter', 'latex');

box on

grid on

title('Force / extension curves for various sintering schedules', 'FontSize', 20, 'Interpreter', 'latex')

legend(h([1 2 5 13]), {'Conventional Sintering', 'Two-Stage Sintering', 'Sintered

at $x^\circ C$ for $x$ hours', 'Sintering Schedule 4'}, 'FontSize', 28,

'Interpreter', 'latex', 'location', 'southeast');

% Plotting configurations for figure 2


set(gcf, 'Position', [200 200 1024 768], 'Color', [1 1 1]);

set(gca, 'FontSize', 24);

xlabel('Strain (\%)', 'FontSize', 32, 'Interpreter', 'latex');

ylabel('Stress (MPa)', 'FontSize', 32, 'Interpreter', 'latex');

box on

grid on

title('Stress / strain curves for various sintering schedules', 'FontSize', 20,

'Interpreter', 'latex')

legend(g([1 2 5 13]), {'Conventional Sintering', 'Two-Stage Sintering', 'Sintered

at $x^\circ C$ for $x$ hours', 'Sintering Schedule 4'}, 'FontSize', 28,

'Interpreter', 'latex', 'location', 'southeast');

% Plotting configurations for figure 3


set(gcf, 'Position', [200 200 1024 768], 'Color', [1 1 1]);

set(gca, 'FontSize', 24);

xlabel('Modulus of Elasticity (MPa)', 'FontSize', 32, 'Interpreter', 'latex');

ylabel('Frequency', 'FontSize', 32, 'Interpreter', 'latex');

box on

grid on

title('Histogram of Modulus of Elasticity', 'FontSize', 20, 'Interpreter', 'latex')

% Plotting configurations for figure 4


set(gcf, 'Position', [200 200 1024 768], 'Color', [1 1 1]);

set(gca, 'FontSize', 24);

xlabel('Ultimate Tensile Strength (kN)', 'FontSize', 32, 'Interpreter', 'latex');

ylabel('Frequency', 'FontSize', 32, 'Interpreter', 'latex');

box on

grid on

title('Histogram of Ultimate Tensile Strength', 'FontSize', 20, 'Interpreter', 'latex')

% Set the limits for x and y axes

xlim([0 3E-1]);

ylim([0 350]);

% Function to extract relevant data from the table

function [displ, force, eyy] = post_fun(T)

displ = T{:, 4};
force = T{:, end};
eyy = T{:, 10};
ix = all(isfinite([displ force eyy]), 2) & all([displ force eyy] > 0, 2);
displ = displ(ix);
force = force(ix);
eyy = eyy(ix);
[~, imax] = max(force);
displ(imax+1:end) = [];
force(imax+1:end) = [];
eyy(imax+1:end) = [];


Please customize this code based on your preferences ! Let me know if you have any further questions

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