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GUI buttons dissapear when I open it in 2015a

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Louis el 30 de Abr. de 2015
Cerrada: MATLAB Answer Bot el 20 de Ag. de 2021
I have GUI that has been working fine though release 2014b. Now in 2015a several of the buttons have completely disappeared, even when i open it in guide....

Respuestas (2)

Jan el 1 de Mayo de 2015
Please post more details. Did you read the Release Notes, which mention a different behavior of UICONTROLs, e.g. when UIPANELs are used?

Alex Knight
Alex Knight el 10 de Mayo de 2016
I had a similar problem which turned out to be due to uipanels being stacked on top of my objects. See this article .

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