Optimization Live Editor task Error "Your objective function must return a scalar value"

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Hi,I'm trying to maximize a function with genetic algorithm or patternsearch using Optimization Live Editor task. But it confuses me that an Error "Your objective function must return a scalar value" always occurs, and I have alreay checked out the output of my objective function. Can somebody tell me how to fix this problem? Would appreciate any help!
I checked out the the output of my objective function as follows:
input = [0 0.5];
MaxSidelobe = FindBestPlacingGA(input);
TF = isscalar(MaxSidelobe);
The objective function and other functions needed:
function MaxSidelobe= FindBestPlacingGA(input)
input(1) = deg2rad(input(1));
mic_pos = [0 0.24 0
-0.2078 -0.12 0
0.2078 -0.12 0];
mic_pos = [Array3N(input(1),input(2));mic_pos];
MaxSidelobe= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,500,0:1:80);
function mic_pos = Array3N(theta,rho)
theta3N = [theta+pi/2;theta+pi*7/6;theta+pi*11/6];
mic_pos = zeros(3,3);
mic_pos(:,3) = 0;
[mic_pos(:,1),mic_pos(:,2)] = pol2cart(theta3N,rho);
function MSL= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,f,El)
Num_mic = size(mic_pos,1);
Az = -180:1: 180;
c = 343;
k0 = [0 0 -1];
numAz = length(Az);
numEl = length(El);
K = zeros(3, numAz, numEl);
for i = 1:numAz
for j = 1:numEl
az_rad = deg2rad(Az(i));
el_rad = deg2rad(El(j));
x = cos(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
y = sin(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
z = cos(el_rad);
K(:, i, j) = [x; y; z];
W = zeros(numAz,numEl);
for p = 1:numAz
for q = 1:numEl
for n = 1:Num_mic
W(p,q) = exp(-1i*dot(K(:,p,q)'-k0,mic_pos(n,:))*2*pi*f/c) + W(p,q);
W = W/Num_mic;
Y = 10*log10((abs(W)).^2);
local_max = imregionalmax(Y);
max_values = Y(local_max);
Mainlobe = max(max_values(:));
sidelobes = max_values(max_values~=Mainlobe);
MSL = Mainlobe - max(sidelobes(:));

Respuesta aceptada

Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre el 14 de Ag. de 2024
Editada: Cris LaPierre el 14 de Ag. de 2024
I believe the issue is related to your initial point. If your dimensions are 1x2, then your initial point should be 1x2 as well. Since it is just 0, when you run the optimization, the first input tried is [0,0]. Your objective function returns an empty array is this scenario, which results in the error about the output not being scalar.
MaxSidelobe= FindBestPlacingGA([0 0])
MaxSidelobe = 0x1 empty double column vector
Use the dropdown menu to change the initial point from 0 to a variable containing your initial point. Just make sure that variable is defined before you run the optmiization task. I used a variable named input0.
One other difference I noticed. In my version of MATLAB, the patternsearch solver is not available, so I used fmincon. The solution is very different between these two solvers:
  • patternsearch: [59.8330, 0.2899]
  • fmincon: [0.6559, 0.5000]
function MaxSidelobe= FindBestPlacingGA(input)
input(1) = deg2rad(input(1));
mic_pos = [0 0.24 0
-0.2078 -0.12 0
0.2078 -0.12 0];
mic_pos = [Array3N(input(1),input(2));mic_pos];
MaxSidelobe= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,500,0:1:80);
function mic_pos = Array3N(theta,rho)
theta3N = [theta+pi/2;theta+pi*7/6;theta+pi*11/6];
mic_pos = zeros(3,3);
mic_pos(:,3) = 0;
[mic_pos(:,1),mic_pos(:,2)] = pol2cart(theta3N,rho);
function MSL= FPSF_Function(mic_pos,f,El)
Num_mic = size(mic_pos,1);
Az = -180:1: 180;
c = 343;
k0 = [0 0 -1];
numAz = length(Az);
numEl = length(El);
K = zeros(3, numAz, numEl);
for i = 1:numAz
for j = 1:numEl
az_rad = deg2rad(Az(i));
el_rad = deg2rad(El(j));
x = cos(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
y = sin(az_rad) * sin(el_rad);
z = cos(el_rad);
K(:, i, j) = [x; y; z];
W = zeros(numAz,numEl);
for p = 1:numAz
for q = 1:numEl
for n = 1:Num_mic
W(p,q) = exp(-1i*dot(K(:,p,q)'-k0,mic_pos(n,:))*2*pi*f/c) + W(p,q);
W = W/Num_mic;
Y = 10*log10((abs(W)).^2);
local_max = imregionalmax(Y);
max_values = Y(local_max);
Mainlobe = max(max_values(:));
sidelobes = max_values(max_values~=Mainlobe);
MSL = Mainlobe - max(sidelobes(:));
  3 comentarios
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre el 15 de Ag. de 2024
Editada: Cris LaPierre el 15 de Ag. de 2024
Your thought is correct - setting Initial Point to 0 does set both values to 0, but your obejctive function does not return a value in that case.
el 15 de Ag. de 2024
I see, then there's another bug in my objective function code to fix. Thank you again.

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