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Compiling error : Unknown file extension ' '

80 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
AKHILA el 23 de Ag. de 2024 a las 7:17
Comentada: AKHILA el 26 de Ag. de 2024 a las 5:44
I am compiling a file that contains a caller block, and that c caller block is calling c file that have many header files included. But while compiling its giving error Unknown "file extension ' ' ". Can anyone tell me how to solve this one?
  4 comentarios
Aravind el 26 de Ag. de 2024 a las 5:39
Can you share your files or maybe some reproduction steps for this error?
AKHILA el 26 de Ag. de 2024 a las 5:44
HI, I can't share file, but this are the files for blinking an led using stm board.

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