Hi @Octavian,
Your task is to modify the Y-axis labels of a MATLAB plot to display the rotational speed in a more readable format. Specifically, instead of showing a speed of 10000 rpm, you want it to be formatted as 10,000 rpm.
% Modify Y-axis ticks to display in the desired format yticks([0 5000 10000 15000 20000]); % Set specific Y-ticks yticklabels({'0', '5,000', '10,000', '15,000', '20,000'}); % Custom labels
The yticks function is used to specify the locations of the ticks on the Y-axis. In this case, set ticks at 0, 5000, 10000, 15000, and 20000. The yticklabels function allows you to customize the labels for these ticks, format the label for 10000 as '10,000' to enhance readability. For more information on yticklabels, please refer to
As an example, please see attached.

Hope this helps.