How to search in a text cell by a word ?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem el 9 de Mayo de 2015
Comentada: Star Strider el 10 de Mayo de 2015
i have a large data (text and numbers), i want to search for a word in a specific cell (contaning text) of a coloumn in all rows. a(:,6)
and then copy all the rows containing the word in a new file.
how i can do this ?
i try
j=1 for i=1:size(data,1) if isequal (data{i,6}, ' the word') d(j)=i j=j+i end end newdata=data(D,:);

Respuesta aceptada

Star Strider
Star Strider el 9 de Mayo de 2015
The standard comparison functions used with numeric variables don’t work with strings. Consider using strcmp or its many friends (most of them linked to on that page). One of them should work for you.
  2 comentarios
Amr Hashem
Amr Hashem el 10 de Mayo de 2015
i am trying:
[num text alldata] = xlsread('result.xlsx','1');
for i=1:size(alldata,1)
d = regexp(alldata{i,6},'[ ]*','split') % this split sentences but didn't save
for L=1:length(d)
k=k+1; end
if isequal (alldata{i,6},'battery') % search for word "battery"
end end
but it didn't work....!
could you please help me?
Star Strider
Star Strider el 10 de Mayo de 2015
I don’t have your data so I can’t run your code or test this, but see if:
if strcmpi(alldata{i,6},'battery') % search for word "battery"
improves your code.
It uses the strcmpi (case-insensitive string comparison) to do the test.

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