I would like to send text from matlab using twilio , how best can l do it ,is there a package l need to use

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accountSID = 'ACe####'; Twilio Account SID
authToken = 'ACe####'; % Twilio Auth Token
twilioNumber = '+12088####'; % Twilio phone number
recipientNumber = '+277###'; % recipient's phone number
function sendSMS(message, accountSID, authToken, twilioNumber, recipientNumber)
twilioURL = sprintf('https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/ACe28####/%s/Messages.json', accountSID);
options = weboptions('RequestMethod', 'post', 'Username', accountSID, 'Password', authToken);

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Shubham el 15 de Oct. de 2024
Editada: Shubham el 15 de Oct. de 2024
I understand you are looking for resources to send text messages via MATLAB using twilio.
To communicate using the web services in MATLAB, check out the following documentation: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/web-services.html?s_tid=CRUX_lftnav
You can use the webwrite function to write data to RESTFUL web service. There is a very simple SMS client using Twilio which you can refer: https://github.com/bencorn/twilio-matlab-wrapper/blob/master/TwilioClient.m
I hope this helps!
  2 comentarios
ODENDAAL el 21 de Oct. de 2024
Thank you very much it worked , I really appreciated the help that you have offered , it works 100%
Jeff Koh
Jeff Koh el 30 de Oct. de 2024
I have link the added TwilioClient.m in the path but still unable to get it work.
Do I need to install anything? If so, where can I get the installation file.
I got this error: (Note that I have masked out part of AccountSID)
The server returned the status 400 with message "Bad Request" in response to the request to URL https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC4e#############/Messages.json.

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Jeff Koh
Jeff Koh el 8 de Nov. de 2024
I have link the added TwilioClient.m in the path but still unable to get it work.
Do I need to install anything? If so, where can I get the installation file.
I got this error: (Note that I have masked out part of AccountSID)
The server returned the status 400 with message "Bad Request" in response to the request to URL https://api.twilio.com/2010-04-01/Accounts/AC4e#############/Messages.json.



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