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Solving for a system

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Doug Hates Squirrels
Doug Hates Squirrels el 28 de Feb. de 2011
I'm new to Matlab and have been trying to use it to solve for symbolic variables in a series of equations. I have 9 equations and 9 variables (plus the odd parameter everynow and then). I'm looking for the solution to S, n, N, and l that will up giving me eq 4 below. I realize I'm messing up somewhere but after 4 days of looking everywhere online and trying, I've admitting ignorance and coming here.
I know it can be done, but I'm stucker than a nail and it's been a while since I dealt with any of this in college.
syms c e m n N S l d p
eq1 = 'A*(e^(a*(1-g)))*(n^((1-a)*(1-g)))*d^g - c -p*e -p*m - (e+m)*(1-q)';
eq2 = 'b*(T*(m^t) + (1-T)*N^t)^(1/t) -d';
eq3 = 'w*S + W*N - p';
eq4 = '1 - n-N-S-l';
eq5 = 'z*(e^(a(1-g)))*(n^(-a-g*(1-a)))*d^g -c';
eq6 = '(g/nu)*A*B*(1-T)*(e^(a-(1-g)))*(n^((1-a)*(1-g)))*(N^(t-1))*d^(g-t) + c*(W/w) - c';
eq7 = 'x*(p*e)^((a-1)-g*a)*n^((1-a)(1-g))*(p*d)^g +r -p';
eq8 = 'r + b*g*T*A*B*((p*e)^(a-a*g))*(n^((1-a)+(1-g)))*(p*d)^(g-t) - p';
eq9 = 'b*w*(1-l) - p';
s = solve(eq1,eq2,eq3,eq4,eq5,eq6,eq7,eq8,eq9);
l = s.l

Respuestas (1)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 28 de Feb. de 2011
There are multiple solutions. One of them is:
p = 0
r = 0
l = 1 %that's a one
n = exp((ln(c/z)-a(1-g)*ln(e)-g*ln(d))/(-a-g+g*a))
N = (-((d/b)^t-T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(1/t)
S = -W*(-((d/b)^t-T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(1/t)/w
Together with the system
-(exp(-(-ln(c/z)+a(1-g)*ln(e)+g*ln(d))/(-a-g+g*a))*w + ((-(d/b)^t+T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(1/t)*w - W*((-(d/b)^t+T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(1/t))/w = 0
-(-g*A*B*e^(a-1+g)*(exp((ln(c/z)-a(1-g)*ln(e)-g*ln(d))/(-a-g+g*a)))^((a-1)*(-1+g))*(((-(d/b)^t+T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(1/t))^t*((-(d/b)^t+T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(-1/t)*d^(g-t)*w+g*A*B*e^(a-1+g)*(exp((ln(c/z)-a(1-g)*ln(e)-g*ln(d))/(-a-g+g*a)))^((a-1)*(-1+g))*(((-(d/b)^t+T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(1/t))^t*((-(d/b)^t+T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(-1/t)*d^(g-t)*w*T-c*W*nu+c*nu*w)/(nu*w) = 0
b*(T*m^t+(((-(d/b)^t+T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(1/t))^t-(((-(d/b)^t+T*m^t)/(-1+T))^(1/t))^t*T)^(1/t)-d, z*e^a(1-g)*(exp((ln(c/z)-a(1-g)*ln(e)-g*ln(d))/(-a-g+g*a)))^(-a-g+g*a)*d^g-c = 0
A*e^(-a*(-1+g))*(exp((ln(c/z)-a(1-g)*ln(e)-g*ln(d))/(-a-g+g*a)))^((a-1)*(-1+g))*d^g-c-e+e*q-m+m*q = 0
We cannot resolve this system further as you did not indicate which symbols were variables and which were parameters.
There is a completely different branch in which "l" is not 1, a branch in which p and r would not be 0, but pursuing that would be messier; I wouldn't care to do it without knowing which were the variables.
Maple considers eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4 to be self-consistent, and eq5 and eq6 to be self-consistent, but has problems reconciling N and n between the two. Which reminds me that I did not cross-check the above solution by back-substitution.
The easiest approach is to start with equations 7 through 9, as "l" is the only target variable that appears in them. There is a complicated "l" that allows them to be self-consistent, and there is the trivial l=1 (el equals one) that leads to p = 0, r = 0, and one can work backwards from there, picking through the solution sets for {eq1, eq2, eq3, eq4} and {eq5, eq6} to isolate additional variables.
  1 comentario
Doug Hates Squirrels
Doug Hates Squirrels el 28 de Feb. de 2011
Wow, I appreciate the help. You used Maple instead of Matlab? Why the difference?
The variables are c e m n N S l d p. The remaining are all parameters

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