Hi, I want to download a file via ftp, and display the progress during download. This works with websave, but I can't get it to work with ftp. Is this not supported, or am I doing something wrong...?
The error message in ME is:
ME =
MException with properties:
identifier: 'MATLAB:string:MissingNotSupported'
message: '<missing> string element not supported.'
cause: {}
stack: [3×1 struct]
Correction: []
ftpobj = ftp('sl290.web.hostpoint.ch','ftp2@pivlab.de');
F = parfeval(backgroundPool,@download_stuff,1,ftpobj,FileName,FilePath);
fig.Position = [680 687 444 191];
fig.WindowStyle = 'modal';
d = uiprogressdlg(fig,'Title','Please Wait','Message','Downloading OPTOcam driver','Cancelable','on');
while strcmpi (F.State, 'running')
s = dir(fullfile(FilePath,FileName));
progress= (filesize/1028320736);
d.Message = ['Downloading OPTOcam driver (' num2str(round(filesize/1024/1024)) ' / ' num2str(round(1028320736/1024/1024)) ' MB done).'];
function [ME]=download_stuff (ftpobj,FileName,FilePath)