Finding out the missing dates and times from the time series data
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el 26 de Dic. de 2024 a las 15:39
Comentada: Star Strider
el 27 de Dic. de 2024 a las 12:06
Hi to All
Please how to find the missing data (v) linke it with a time column or Julian time
Julian time time v
2455932.229 05/01/2012 17:30 2.095
2455932.271 05/01/2012 18:30 2.096
2455932.313 05/01/2012 19:30 2.098
The example is in the data file.
my appreciation to all.
1 comentario
Walter Roberson
el 26 de Dic. de 2024 a las 20:35
05/01/2012 17:30:00.000001 is missing
05/01/2012 17:30:00.000002 is missing
05/01/2012 17:30:00.00000201 is missing...
Your question is not well-defined.
Respuesta aceptada
Star Strider
el 26 de Dic. de 2024 a las 17:06
Editada: Star Strider
el 26 de Dic. de 2024 a las 17:15
I am not certain what result you want.
T1 = readtable('data.txt', VariableNamingRule='preserve')
% DTJ = datetime(T1.Jday,ConvertFrom='juliandate') % Information
TT1 = table2timetable(T1);
newt = T1.Datetime(1) : hours(1) : T1.Datetime(end);
TT1r = retime(TT1, newt,'linear')
MissingDatesTimes = setdiff(newt(:), T1.Datetime); % Miissing Dates & Times
plot(T1.Datetime, T1.('WL (m)'), '.-b')
plot(TT1r.Datetime, TT1r.('WL (m)'), '.-r')
The ‘Jday’ times do not precisely match the ‘Datetime’ times, however they are close. I went with the ‘Datetime’ time here.
EDIT — (26 Dec 2024 at 17:15)
Added ‘MissingDatesTimes’ and corrected typographical errors.
2 comentarios
Star Strider
el 27 de Dic. de 2024 a las 12:06
As always, my pleasure!
The setdiff function has a second output that returns the indices of the missing rows (in this instance). Use it to return the rows of the ‘TT1r’ table that corresponds to the missing (interpolated) data—
T1 = readtable('data.txt', VariableNamingRule='preserve')
% DTJ = datetime(T1.Jday,ConvertFrom='juliandate') % Information
TT1 = table2timetable(T1);
newt = T1.Datetime(1) : hours(1) : T1.Datetime(end);
TT1r = retime(TT1, newt,'linear')
[MissingDatesTimes,ia] = setdiff(newt(:), T1.Datetime); % Miissing Dates & Times With Index
MissingDatesTimesWL = TT1r(ia,:);
plot(T1.Datetime, T1.('WL (m)'), '.-b')
plot(TT1r.Datetime, TT1r.('WL (m)'), '.-r')
title('Original With Interpolated')
Ax2 = gca;
plot(MissingDatesTimesWL.Datetime, MissingDatesTimesWL.('WL (m)'), '.-g')
title('Only Interpolated')
Ax3 = gca;
Ax3.XLim = Ax2.XLim;
Ax3.YLim = Ax2.YLim;
The ‘missing’ (interpolated) dates, timies, and ‘Water Level’ (?) are now in the ‘MissingDatesTimesWL’ table. Note that I used the ‘linear’ interpolation method. Others are available, see the retime documentatiion I linked to above for details.
Más respuestas (2)
el 26 de Dic. de 2024 a las 16:44
Movida: dpb
el 26 de Dic. de 2024 a las 16:44
tD=readtable('data.txt'); % read the file
head(tD,15) % see what it contains
tD.Properties.VariableNames(2:end)={'Date','WL'}; % make convenient variable name
nnz(~isfinite(tD.WL)) % how many are missing?
None by that definition of what is the Q? about? Maybe the times aren't uniform???
Ah, there are some big gaps it appears...
for i=1:numel(ix)
ix1=ix(i)-1; ix2=ix(i)+1; % the indice before/after the breaks
tD(ix1:ix2,:) % show the range
diff(tD.Date(ix(i):ix2)) % and the difference found
So, the Q? is, now what do you want to do with these? (But the above answers the Q? asked, it appears)
Shantanu Dixit
el 26 de Dic. de 2024 a las 16:57
Editada: Shantanu Dixit
el 26 de Dic. de 2024 a las 17:11
Hi Nada,
To identify and interpolate missing data in your time series (the current shared data seem to have no missing values), you can use the 'isnan' function to find the missing values and then use 'interp1' for interpolation. Since your data is periodic, you can use the 'spline' interpolation method.
You can refer to the following approach in MATLAB:
% Indices of missing values in v
missingIdx = find(isnan(v));
% Interpolate the missing values in v based on time
% time to be in datetime format
vInterp = interp1(time(~isnan(v)), v(~isnan(v)), time, 'spline');
For more information you can refer to the following MathWorks documentation for interpolation:
interpolation of Dates and Times:
Hope this helps!
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Más información sobre Dates and Time en Help Center y File Exchange.
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