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Genrate all combinations of a vector

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Khanh el 30 de Nov. de 2011
I have a vector of size n, whose each element can be an integer in the range from 0 to k. I need to generate all possible variants of such vector, i.e. k^n vectors totally.
The solutions I have found haven't met my need:
- allcomb.m doesn't work with n>=100. I got the following error
Maximum variable size allowed by the program is exceeded.
Error in ndgrid (line 66)
x = reshape(x(:,ones(1,prod(s))),[length(x) s]); % Expand x
- perms only generates possible permutations of the n elements of v.
I wonder if there is any function in matlab that does what I need?
  5 comentarios
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 30 de Nov. de 2011
If you used one byte per element of the vector (e.g., uint8 data type), then you would have n bytes per entry, and (k+1)^n entries, for a total of approximately n*(k+1)^n bytes.
For n=100 and k=3, that would be 100*4^100 which would be about 1.6E62 bytes.
1 gigabyte is approximately 10^9 bytes, so you are asking for approximately 1.6E53 gigabytes.
So how much can you realistically store in (say) 4 gigabytes (the maximum address space for a 32 bit process)? n*4^n = 2^32 solves down to n = (1/2)*LambertW(8589934592*ln(2))/ln(2) which is a little over 14.
Thus, you realistically cannot produce all the combinations for vectors of length greater than 14.
Khanh el 30 de Nov. de 2011
You're absolutely right, Walter. Thanks a lot for your effort. I should've thought about the memory issue before :( It was such a dump question.

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