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To calculate the end point.

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Odien el 31 de Jul. de 2015
Respondida: Image Analyst el 31 de Jul. de 2015
TO generate array, we can use this code A(1:2:10) which means to create a array with equally spaced with size 2 , start point is 1 and the end point is 10.
The question is, if we wan 20 equally spaced element in an array, size can be any. How to let the Matlab to calculate the end point for us? For example, A(5:6: n ) , i wan a array start with 5 then equally space with size 6 and i wan 20 elements. How to let Matlab find the n ?

Respuestas (2)

Star Strider
Star Strider el 31 de Jul. de 2015
This works:
A = 5:6:(19*6+5);
  2 comentarios
Odien el 31 de Jul. de 2015
instead of giving formula ( which consider we calculate ourself) , is there any special code can use?
Star Strider
Star Strider el 31 de Jul. de 2015
This is the code for the calculation:
start = 5;
interval = 6;
len = 20;
A = start:interval:((len-1)*interval+start);

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 31 de Jul. de 2015
He said "A(1:2:10)" so I thought he's looking to extract those elements of A into another array, not to create an A with elements having those values . So I think he's wanting this:
% Generate sample data in A:
A = randi([0, 9], 1, 130)
% Define extraction parameters:
startIndex = 5;
interval = 6;
numSamples = 20; % How many elements we want to extract from A.
% Figure out what the last index will be:
lastIndex = startIndex + (numSamples - 1) * interval
% Extract numSamples from A at the specified start index and spacing:
B = A(startIndex : interval : lastIndex)
% Let's check the length to be sure it's 20:
fprintf('The length of B is %d elements.\n', length(B));


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