optical fourier transform by free space propagation and lens

17 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
daniel dahan
daniel dahan el 18 de Abr. de 2016
Editada: Walter Roberson el 13 de Oct. de 2016
hi, I want to simulate an optical fourier transform by free space propagation and lens. I have wrote functions for a lens-phase and for propagation, but the result desn't match to the theory. The code appears in my next post.
  2 comentarios
Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson el 19 de Abr. de 2016
Please format your code.
daniel dahan
daniel dahan el 19 de Abr. de 2016
Editada: Walter Roberson el 13 de Oct. de 2016
you are right. here is my new code:
clear;close all;clc
% setting input field:
nx = 350;% num of samples
dx0 = 5e-2;%[m]
x0 = (-nx/2:nx/2-1)*dx0;% source-plane coordinates
U0 = cos(x0);%input field structure
% propagation from z=0 to z1:
z = 50e-3;%[m]
lambda = 0.5e-6;%[m]
k = 2*pi/lambda; % optical wavevector
U1 = dx0*conv(U0,(1j*z./(lambda*(z^2+x0.^2))).*exp(-1j*sign(z)*k*sqrt(z^2+x0.^2)));
xout = length(U1);
U1 = U1(floor((xout-nx)/2):floor((xout+nx)/2 -1));
dx1 = lambda*z/(nx*dx0);
x1 = (-nx/2:nx/2-1)*dx1;% observation-plane coordinates
% lens:
U2 = U1.*exp(-1i*k/(2*z)*(x1.^2));
% propagation from z1 to z2 (z1 = z2 = focal length):
U3 = dx1*conv(U2,(1j*z./(lambda*(z^2+x1.^2))).*exp(-1j*sign(z)*k*sqrt(z^2+x1.^2)));
xout = length(U3);
U3 = U3(floor((xout-nx)/2):floor((xout+nx)/2 -1));
dx2 = lambda*z/(nx*dx1);
x3 = (-nx/2:nx/2-1)*dx2;% observation-plane coordinates

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Respuestas (2)

Rick Rosson
Rick Rosson el 19 de Abr. de 2016
Editada: Rick Rosson el 19 de Abr. de 2016
I am not exactly sure what the source of the problem is, but I have a few suggestions to help you diagnose the root cause:
First, please change the definition of U0 as follows:
U0 = exp(1j*x0);%input field structure
Second, in the next line, when you plot U0, please use the following:
figure; plot(x0,real(U0),x0,imag(U0));
Third, just before computing U2, insert the following intermediate plot:
figure; plot(x1,real(U1),x1,imag(U1));
Fourth, just after computing U2, insert this intermediate plot:
figure; plot(x1,real(U2),x1,imag(U2));
Finally, at the very end, when you plot U3, please use the following:
figure; plot(x3,real(U3),x3,imag(U3));
After reviewing each of these figures, it appears to me that the computation of U1 and U2 seem to be working just fine, but there is something that is not working in the computation of U3. I suspect it may have something to do with how you compute either dx1 and/or x1, but I am not really sure. Maybe the plots will help you figure out what the issue is.

dhivya priya
dhivya priya el 13 de Oct. de 2016
how could u set the input field structure? and my question is how should i change the code when i m having an input image at the object plane.,.


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