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How set default value in edittext in GUI

4 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Filip M
Filip M el 16 de Mayo de 2016
Respondida: MARIA RODRIGUEZ SANZ el 23 de Jul. de 2018
Hi everyone, I have a problem with my GUI. I have to set default value for edittext (if edittext is empty ---> set variable to double 50 or string 'hello', but if not empty set variable from edittext.I do not know how can i do that. Please help me (Im working on Matlab 2013b or 2015b mac edition)

Respuestas (4)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 17 de Mayo de 2016
S = get(handles.editbox1, 'string');
if isempty(S)
S = 'hello';

Filip M
Filip M el 17 de Mayo de 2016
It doesnt work. I have tried this:
function edit1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
if isnan(Tstr)
Tstr = 58;
It works but only if i write sth in edit1 and delete it. If i do not write sth, Matlab answer "Reference to non-existent field 'T'."
  3 comentarios
Filip M
Filip M el 17 de Mayo de 2016
Seriously, i have to copy all code? i have used pushbutton.
function pushbutton1_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
Adam el 17 de Mayo de 2016
Editada: Adam el 17 de Mayo de 2016
You need to show all code relevant to what you are asking. In this case the one line you just added is enough.
And did you not use
guidata( hObject, handles )
at the end of your edit1_Callback? Without this any changes you make to the handles structure in your callback are just local and are lost when the callback scope finishes. So pushbutton1_callback will see exactly the same handles structure as was passed into edit1_callback.
The above code replaces the handles structure stored in the GUI with the one you have edited so that when you trigger the next callback you get the updated 'handles' struct.

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Filip M
Filip M el 17 de Mayo de 2016
Ok i have added guidata to edit1 funcition but still doesnt work. With if isnan works only if I first write sth and immediately delete it. But if i start program with blank edit1 and i push button i have error
  3 comentarios
Filip M
Filip M el 17 de Mayo de 2016
What do you mean?
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 17 de Mayo de 2016
I have tested and confirm that if you have not changed the String property of a uicontrol style edit, then applying str2double() to it will result in NaN, which can be caught with isnan() like you show.

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MARIA RODRIGUEZ SANZ el 23 de Jul. de 2018
I have the same problem. Did you fix it??
Thanl you very much!


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