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Dear all, I have the following code of Maximum Likelihood equalization, There is error in it. Can you please rectify it ?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % All rights reserved by Krishna Pillai, % The file may not be re-distributed without explicit authorization % from Krishna Pillai. % Checked for proper operation with Octave Version 3.0.0 % Author : Krishna Pillai % Email : % Version : 1.0 % Date : 14th December 2008 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Script for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a % Rayleigh fading channel with 2 Tx, 2Rx MIMO channel % Maximum Likelihood equalization
clear N = 10^6; % number of bits or symbols Eb_N0_dB = [0:25]; % multiple Eb/N0 values nTx = 4; nRx = 4; for ii = 1:length(Eb_N0_dB)
% Transmitter
ip = rand(1,N)>0.5; % generating 0,1 with equal probability
s = 2*ip-1; % BPSK modulation 0 -> -1; 1 -> 0
sMod = kron(s,ones(nRx,1)); %
sMod = reshape(sMod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]); % grouping in [nRx,nTx,N/NTx ] matrix
h = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(nRx,nTx,N/nTx) + j*randn(nRx,nTx,N/nTx)]; % Rayleigh channel
n = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(nRx,N/nTx) + j*randn(nRx,N/nTx)]; % white gaussian noise, 0dB variance
% Channel and noise Noise addition
y = squeeze(sum(h.*sMod,2)) + 10^(-Eb_N0_dB(ii)/20)*n;
% Maximum Likelihood Receiver
% ----------------------------
% if [s1 s2 ] = [+1,+1 ]
sHat1 = [1 1];
sHat1 = repmat(sHat1,[1 ,N/2]);
sHat1Mod = kron(sHat1,ones(nRx,1));
sHat1Mod = reshape(sHat1Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat1 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat1Mod,2)) ;
J11 = sum(abs(y - zHat1),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [+1,-1 ]
sHat2 = [1 -1];
sHat2 = repmat(sHat2,[1 ,N/2]);
sHat2Mod = kron(sHat2,ones(nRx,1));
sHat2Mod = reshape(sHat2Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat2 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat2Mod,2)) ;
J10 = sum(abs(y - zHat2),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [-1,+1 ]
sHat3 = [-1 1];
sHat3 = repmat(sHat3,[1 ,N/2]);
sHat3Mod = kron(sHat3,ones(nRx,1));
sHat3Mod = reshape(sHat3Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat3 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat3Mod,2)) ;
J01 = sum(abs(y - zHat3),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [-1,-1 ]
sHat4 = [-1 -1];
sHat4 = repmat(sHat4,[1 ,N/2]);
sHat4Mod = kron(sHat4,ones(nRx,1));
sHat4Mod = reshape(sHat4Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat4 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat4Mod,2)) ;
J00 = sum(abs(y - zHat4),1);
% finding the minimum from the four alphabet combinations
rVec = [J11;J10;J01;J00];
[jj dd] = min(rVec,[],1);
% mapping the minima to bits
ref = [1 1; 1 0; 0 1; 0 0 ];
ipHat = zeros(1,N);
ipHat(1:2:end) = ref(dd,1);
ipHat(2:2:end) = ref(dd,2);
% counting the errors
nErr(ii) = size(find([ip- ipHat]),2);
simBer = nErr/N; % simulated ber EbN0Lin = 10.^(Eb_N0_dB/10); theoryBer_nRx1 = 0.5.*(1-1*(1+1./EbN0Lin).^(-0.5)); p = 1/2 - 1/2*(1+1./EbN0Lin).^(-1/2); theoryBerMRC_nRx2 = p.^2.*(1+2*(1-p));
close all figure semilogy(Eb_N0_dB,theoryBer_nRx1,'bp-','LineWidth',2); hold on semilogy(Eb_N0_dB,theoryBerMRC_nRx2,'kd-','LineWidth',2); semilogy(Eb_N0_dB,simBer,'mo-','LineWidth',2); axis([0 25 10^-5 0.5]) grid on legend('theory (nTx=1,nRx=1)', 'theory (nTx=1,nRx=2, MRC)', 'sim (nTx=2, nRx=2, ML)'); xlabel('Average Eb/No,dB'); ylabel('Bit Error Rate'); title('BER for BPSK modulation with 2x2 MIMO and ML equalizer (Rayleigh channel)');
  2 comentarios
Engineer afaque Manzoor soomro
Engineer afaque Manzoor soomro el 28 de Jul. de 2016
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % All rights reserved by Krishna Pillai, % The file may not be re-distributed without explicit authorization % from Krishna Pillai. % Checked for proper operation with Octave Version 3.0.0 % Author : Krishna Pillai % Email : % Version : 1.0 % Date : 14th December 2008 % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
% Script for computing the BER for BPSK modulation in a % Rayleigh fading channel with 2 Tx, 2Rx MIMO channel % Maximum Likelihood equalization
clear N = 10^6; % number of bits or symbols Eb_N0_dB = [0:25]; % multiple Eb/N0 values nTx = 4; nRx = 4; for ii = 1:length(Eb_N0_dB)
% Transmitter
ip = rand(1,N)>0.5; % generating 0,1 with equal probability
s = 2*ip-1; % BPSK modulation 0 -> -1; 1 -> 0
sMod = kron(s,ones(nRx,1)); %
sMod = reshape(sMod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]); % grouping in [nRx,nTx,N/NTx ] matrix
h = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(nRx,nTx,N/nTx) + j*randn(nRx,nTx,N/nTx)]; % Rayleigh channel
n = 1/sqrt(2)*[randn(nRx,N/nTx) + j*randn(nRx,N/nTx)]; % white gaussian noise, 0dB variance
% Channel and noise Noise addition
y = squeeze(sum(h.*sMod,2)) + 10^(-Eb_N0_dB(ii)/20)*n;
% Maximum Likelihood Receiver
% ----------------------------
% if [s1 s2 ] = [+1,+1 ]
sHat1 = [1 1];
sHat1 = repmat(sHat1,[1 ,N/2]);
sHat1Mod = kron(sHat1,ones(nRx,1));
sHat1Mod = reshape(sHat1Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat1 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat1Mod,2)) ;
J11 = sum(abs(y - zHat1),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [+1,-1 ]
sHat2 = [1 -1];
sHat2 = repmat(sHat2,[1 ,N/2]);
sHat2Mod = kron(sHat2,ones(nRx,1));
sHat2Mod = reshape(sHat2Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat2 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat2Mod,2)) ;
J10 = sum(abs(y - zHat2),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [-1,+1 ]
sHat3 = [-1 1];
sHat3 = repmat(sHat3,[1 ,N/2]);
sHat3Mod = kron(sHat3,ones(nRx,1));
sHat3Mod = reshape(sHat3Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat3 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat3Mod,2)) ;
J01 = sum(abs(y - zHat3),1);
% if [s1 s2 ] = [-1,-1 ]
sHat4 = [-1 -1];
sHat4 = repmat(sHat4,[1 ,N/2]);
sHat4Mod = kron(sHat4,ones(nRx,1));
sHat4Mod = reshape(sHat4Mod,[nRx,nTx,N/nTx]);
zHat4 = squeeze(sum(h.*sHat4Mod,2)) ;
J00 = sum(abs(y - zHat4),1);
% finding the minimum from the four alphabet combinations
rVec = [J11;J10;J01;J00];
[jj dd] = min(rVec,[],1);
% mapping the minima to bits
ref = [1 1; 1 0; 0 1; 0 0 ];
ipHat = zeros(1,N);
ipHat(1:2:end) = ref(dd,1);
ipHat(2:2:end) = ref(dd,2);
% counting the errors
nErr(ii) = size(find([ip- ipHat]),2);
simBer = nErr/N; % simulated ber EbN0Lin = 10.^(Eb_N0_dB/10); theoryBer_nRx1 = 0.5.*(1-1*(1+1./EbN0Lin).^(-0.5)); p = 1/2 - 1/2*(1+1./EbN0Lin).^(-1/2); theoryBerMRC_nRx2 = p.^2.*(1+2*(1-p));
close all figure semilogy(Eb_N0_dB,theoryBer_nRx1,'bp-','LineWidth',2); hold on semilogy(Eb_N0_dB,theoryBerMRC_nRx2,'kd-','LineWidth',2); semilogy(Eb_N0_dB,simBer,'mo-','LineWidth',2); axis([0 25 10^-5 0.5]) grid on legend('theory (nTx=1,nRx=1)', 'theory (nTx=1,nRx=2, MRC)', 'sim (nTx=2, nRx=2, ML)'); xlabel('Average Eb/No,dB'); ylabel('Bit Error Rate'); title('BER for BPSK modulation with 2x2 MIMO and ML equalizer (Rayleigh channel)');
John D'Errico
John D'Errico el 28 de Jul. de 2016
Contact the author.
We cannot debug long pieces of code, with no error reported by you, with no hint as to whether you have any clue as to how to use the above code.
Really, you probably just need to learn to use MATLAB, because the pasted in code probably works, IF you use it as intended by the author.

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