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J el 28 de Feb. de 2012
Cerrada: MATLAB Answer Bot el 20 de Ag. de 2021
I have an equation that I'd like to differentiate without using the command diff(equation). I've been told that finite-differencing should be used to get the function derivative.
Can someone demonstrate how a simple example would work using matlab? That way I can try to build on it. My code currently uses the command diff but I've been told I can't use it.
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J el 28 de Feb. de 2012
Its to do with the newton raphson method and my teacher said that it wouldn't work unless finite differencing was used.
Jan el 28 de Feb. de 2012
But DIFF uses a finite difference.
I assume a meaningful answer is more likely, if you post the actual problem. What kind of equation do you have and which result do you want to get?

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