fail to link the callback function after compiler

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Fan Sudi
Fan Sudi el 2 de Abr. de 2012
Hello ,I am so sorry I got a problem.My system is win7-64&Matlab2012a. Serval weeks can't solve it.After compiler success,none errors display in the command window.But when I run the exe,it said "undefined the function or ariable 'Diff_callback', when calculating uimenu error" ,How can I set the matlab? The M-function have no errors when running,and every GUI open success,but exe can't.Now Matlab 6.5 like so that too. note:I use mcc function to complier my M.

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Fan Sudi
Fan Sudi el 2 de Abr. de 2012
Hi Titus Once I used the command 'mcc -B sglcpp M' to complier a exe and 'mcc -x M' to a dll in matlab6.5.Now in new version,commands ware changed so that didn't get a good way to complier. Deploytool was unknown for me.Today I had a try,command line is suit for me I think.Thanks for your %#function,I get it.Next,I will go on hunting for a good way to make the command unlink its callbacks to complier a start exe.
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Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer el 2 de Abr. de 2012
Hi Fan,
your welcome. The last "hunt" I don't understand. Nevertheless, I guess the question is now answered?

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Más respuestas (5)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 2 de Abr. de 2012

Fan Sudi
Fan Sudi el 2 de Abr. de 2012
function varargout = FMath(varargin) if nargin == 0 OldHandle = findobj('Style','figure','Tag','FMath'); if ishandle(OldHandle) close(OldHandle); end FMathHandle = figure ; set(FMathHandle,'Tag','FMath','Units','pixel','menubar','none','NumberTitle','off',... 'name','FMath计算器V 1.0','Resize','off','Visible','off','Position',[50 100 397 500]);%1120 755 397
elseif ischar(varargin{1})%&~isnumeric(varargin{end})
if (nargout)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = feval(varargin{:});
function generate_figure(FMathHandle)
Maybe I have many many callback functions so that it is may not to add that for each one.After All,varargin is only a invisibility function.Once I used it in Matlab6.5,there's no this problem.serval months ago,I used 6.5,everything is fine.

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer el 2 de Abr. de 2012
Hi Fan,
is Diff_callback in another file, i.e., Diff_callback.m? In this case you have to either follow Walter's advice or add Diff_callback.m (and the others) to your project file.
If Diff_callback is a subfunction that error should not happen ...

Fan Sudi
Fan Sudi el 2 de Abr. de 2012
Hi,Titus, thanks for your help. First when I complier my progect,they're in many files with setting the Path & save it in the matlab menu ,but failure.And then I copy them in one file,after that fail too.My main M function is FMath.m,with many menu labels calling the others.Diff_callback.m is one of them.I tried the method with %#function,it work,and success.It's very useful,supposed,I have many functions,it's impossible to do that add callbacks behind %#function.I didn't worried in Matlab6.5,but in,the other problem I forgot,I complier them but only make one exe with all the M functions in.May I complie the start function without linking the others,like a exe call the other dll.

Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer el 2 de Abr. de 2012
Hi Fan,
do you use command line or deploytool? For both you can add an entire folder during compilation: command line would be
mcc -m FMath -a folderWithAllMFiles
or, if you use the deploytool: click on the lower part on "add files/directories" and add the folder containing all m files to the project. For both ways you don't have to specify individual files but folders containing (possibly) many files.


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