error using classperf

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
FIR el 11 de Abr. de 2012
I have a code
data=[0.5 .3 0.6 0.5;0.2 0.3 0.5 0.9;0.1 0.7 0.2 0.8;0.5 .3 0.6 0.5;0.2 0.3 0.5 0.9;0.1 0.7 0.2 0.8]
cvFolds = crossvalind('kfold', groups, 10); %# get indices of 10-fold CV %# get indices of 10-fold CV
cp = classperf(groups);
for i = 1:10
% testIdx = (cvFolds == i); %# get indices of test instances
% trainIdx = ~testIdx;
[YFIT,scores] = predict(TreeObject,TestVector);
%cp = classperf(cp, YFIT, testIdx)
cp = classperf(cp, YFIT)
I get error
Error using classperf (line 230)
When the class labels of the CP object are numeric, the output
of the classifier must be all non-negative integers or NaN's.
Error in yass (line 30)
cp = classperf(cp, YFIT)

Respuesta aceptada

Ilya el 11 de Abr. de 2012
In your code snippet, the error is caused by TreeBagger returning predicted class labels as a cell array of strings, while the class labels (groups variable) passed to classperf are numeric. To avoid this, convert groups to a cell array of strings:
groups = cellstr(num2str(groups))
  2 comentarios
FIR el 12 de Abr. de 2012
am getting the same error as before
Error using classperf (line 230)
When the class labels of the CP object are numeric, the output
of the classifier must be all non-negative integers or NaN's.
Error in ya (line 23)
cp = classperf(cp, YFIT)
Ilya el 12 de Abr. de 2012
Well, the error says "When the class labels of the CP object are numeric..." This means you have not converted groups to a cell array before passing to classperf.

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