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I want to make a linear interpolation a cubic spline of the second order interpolation. How?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Here is my current code. What do I need to do in order to use the cubic spline interpolation?
% Close all open figures, clear the workspace of all existing variables,
% and blank the command window
close all; clear all; clc;
% Read the data
% Visualise the data
plot(alpha_x,alpha_y); grid on;
% FFT the data without windowing
% Apply a Hanning window before FFTing the data
% Create a Hanning weights vector of the size of the alpha_y_f vector. Note
% that the apostrophe (') just transposes the w vector
w = hann(length(alpha_y_f))';
% Visualise the Hanning weights (just for info)
figure; plot(w); title('Hanning window');
% Apply the Hanning weights, pointwise, to alpha_y_f
alpha_y_f_windowed = w.*alpha_y_f;
% Just for info, visualise the 'windowed' and 'non-windowed' data
figure; hold all;
plot(F,alpha_y_f,'red'); plot(F,alpha_y_f_windowed,'blue');
% FFT the 'windowed data'
% Plot the FFT of the windowed data
figure; plot(abs(FT_windowed)); title('Hanning windowed FFT');

Respuestas (2)

KSSV el 20 de Oct. de 2017
Editada: KSSV el 20 de Oct. de 2017
  1 comentario
Paul Clarkson
Paul Clarkson el 20 de Oct. de 2017
I'm new to matlab and don't know where this would be applied. I know it would be in place of interp1 but which arguments I need to put in what places for the function.

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Star Strider
Star Strider el 20 de Oct. de 2017
My guess is that you refer to this assignment:
so to use a spline interpolation instead, use 'spline' as the ‘method’ argument.
However for signal processing purposes (that you appear to be doing), I prefer the Signal Processing Toolbox resample (link) function, since it incorporates an anti-aliasing filter. Then do the fft.


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