Unfortunately, we don't see your hand-calculated solution, so it's a little bit difficult for us to pinpoint the actual problem you encountered. But to your concern: Mark Spong and Seth Hutchinson are correct and their results are consistent with the output of the geometricJacobian function. Let's illustrate this with a simple example.
First, create a simple rigid body tree model in RST that kind of looks like the one shown in your reference. It has two revolute joints (joint1 and joint2)
robot = robotics.RigidBodyTree('DataFormat', 'column');
body1 = robotics.RigidBody('body1');
body1.Joint = robotics.Joint('joint1', 'revolute');
T = trvec2tform([-0.5, 0 0.2])*eul2tform([pi/2 0 0]);
robot.addBody(body1, robot.BaseName);
body2 = robotics.RigidBody('body2');
body2.Joint = robotics.Joint('joint2', 'revolute');
body2.Joint.setFixedTransform([0.3 -pi/3 0.1 0], 'mdh');
robot.addBody(body2, 'body1');
Inspect the robot and pay attention to the joint axes
Call geometricJacobian method
Jac = robot.geometricJacobian([0; 0], 'body2')
Jac =
0 -0.8660
0 0.0000
1.0000 0.5000
-0.3000 0.0000
-0.0866 0.0000
0 0.0000
Does this answer make sense? Remember that a Jacobian relates the joint velocities to task space velocities.
1) upper 3 in the first column Joint1 rotates around body1 frame's z-axis, and body1's z-axis happen to align with the base. And in RST, the Jacobian computed is always w.r.t. the base frame (the black one in figure). So [0 0 1] means that qdot1 directly contributes to wz of the end effector.
2) lower 3 in the second column In this particular robot model, no matter how joint 2 rotates, the linear velocity of rigid body 2 (i.e. the end effector) is always zero, so you see [0 0 0]'.
3) lower3 of the first column. And this is the fun part. We can use the upper half of Spong's equation,
Here, z_(i-1) is the joint axis of joint1, [0, 0, 1]. And the [O_n - O_(i-1)] part (the line segment that connects body1 frame and body2 frame in plot) is [0.3, 0.086, 0.05] w.r.t. body1 frame (and thus [-0.0866, 0.3, 0.05] in base frame) by construction.
cross([0 0 1]', [-0.0866, 0.3, 0.05]')
ans =
So, did you forget to change the coordinates?