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Latest Date Entry Record

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Faustino Quintanilla
Faustino Quintanilla el 22 de Nov. de 2017
Respondida: Faustino Quintanilla el 27 de Nov. de 2017
I have a large data set that contains multiple tests for the same pieces of equipment over many years. How can I isolate the latest test results only for the various pieces of equipment? There is a date stamp and equipment id and test results.
For example, for motor X, what are the last or current oil reports and ignore previous old test.
  2 comentarios
KL el 22 de Nov. de 2017
how do you store your data?
Faustino Quintanilla
Faustino Quintanilla el 22 de Nov. de 2017
I have the information in a table. The table is updated daily with new test information.

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Respuesta aceptada

KL el 22 de Nov. de 2017
use sortrows,
sortedTable = sortrows(yourTable,'timestampColumnName')
  6 comentarios
Faustino Quintanilla
Faustino Quintanilla el 27 de Nov. de 2017
Here is the code used. Where do I add the T1(end,:)?
for x=1:height(sortedTable)
T1 = sortrows(sortedTable(sortedTable.position_id==x,:),'sampledt_MAIN');
KL el 27 de Nov. de 2017
Alright, you're extracting it for all equipments, so
T_latest = table;
for x=1:height(sortedTable)
T1 = sortrows(sortedTable(sortedTable.position_id==x,:),'sampledt_MAIN');
T_latest = [T_latest; T1(end,:)];
now, T_latest should have the last entries corresponding to all x.

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Más respuestas (1)

Faustino Quintanilla
Faustino Quintanilla el 27 de Nov. de 2017
I get an error... "Subscript indices must either be real positive integers or logicals." The intent is remove duplicate rows that have a older date stamp.. How to I correct the error?


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