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Fourier Transform of a function- what is the fourier transform of a pulse?

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
This is in relation to my previous questions. Say instead of using fft over the whole domain, I now want to find the Fourier transform of only a pulse. Here is the code I've got-
%%time domain
dt = 0.0098;
t = 0:dt:5;
tlen = length(t)+1;
A = 1;
y = A*(1 -cos(2*pi*F*t./N)).*cos(2*pi*F*t).*(t >= 0 & t <= N/F);
L = nnz(y);
%%get frequency
fs = 1/dt; %sampling frequency!
f = fs*(0:(tlen/2))/tlen;
flen = length(f);
Y = fft(y);
P1 = abs(Y/L);
P = P1(1:tlen/2+1);
P(2:end-1) = 2*P(2:end-1);
figure; plot(f,P1(1:flen));
Am I right in normalising Y by L (the number of non-zero elements in the signal) instead of by tlen? If I'm not wrong, this will affect the amplitudes of the plots

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