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''Error using reshape: To RESHAPE the number of elements must not change''

3 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
in image one you can say it is showing no error ,but in second image (b.img) it is showing ,error . why this is happening?

Respuesta aceptada

Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 27 de Dic. de 2017
Use this:
[rows, columns, numberOfColorChannels] = size(I);
F = reshape(I, rows*columns, numberOfColorChannels);
  5 comentarios
marie lasz
marie lasz el 12 de Oct. de 2019
hello Bhanveet,
Did you find out the solution of this error? because I am also getting the same error and I am also working on watermarking.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 12 de Oct. de 2019
The image array called "message" is most likely color. Use rgb2gray() to cast it to gray scale.

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Más respuestas (1)

Benjamin Kraus
Benjamin Kraus el 27 de Dic. de 2017
What is the size of I both before and after calling imresize on the second image? Is one of the images grayscale or black and white? If so, it is possible the third dimension of the image is 1 instead of 3.
  1 comentario
Touhidul islam
Touhidul islam el 27 de Dic. de 2017
1. 256 256. 2. image is attached . GADOimage.jpg 3. what is the difference between 1 & 3 in third dimension of the image. when i will come to know if it is 1 or 3

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