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Select specific data with conditions from struct ?

18 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
azdoud youssef
azdoud youssef el 19 de En. de 2018
Comentada: azdoud youssef el 19 de En. de 2018
Hi, I have the following structure: data
I need to select those where = t1 and data.value is between 0.5 and 0.8
Glad for any help
data(1:6) = struct('name', '', 'value', zeros(1,1));
data(1).name= 't1'; data(1).value=0.569;
data(2).name= 't2'; data(2).value=0.657;
data(3).name= 't1'; data(3).value=0.98;
data(4).name= 't6'; data(4).value=0.451;
data(5).name= 't2'; data(5).value=0.354;
data(6).name= 't1'; data(6).value=0.746;

Respuesta aceptada

Stephen23 el 19 de En. de 2018
Editada: Stephen23 el 19 de En. de 2018
vec = [data.value];
idx = strcmp('t1',{}) & vec>0.5 & vec<0.8;
out = data(idx);
ans = t1
ans = t1
>> out.value
ans = 0.56900
ans = 0.74600

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