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Cant write array to csv file - Please help

2 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Siddhartha Sharma
Siddhartha Sharma el 7 de Feb. de 2018
Editada: Jan el 8 de Feb. de 2018
Code ---
function result = createArrays(nArrays, arraySize)
result = cell(1, nArrays);
for i = 1 : nArrays
result{i} = zeros(arraySize);
To use it:
myArray = createArrays(44, [2464,1]);
for i = 1:44
if i==1
elseif i>1
for ii = 1:2464
for jj = j: CountryVar(i)
if jj<= CountryVar(i)
myArray(i) = sum(ImportsBreakdownMatrix(:,j:CountryVar(i)));
CountryVar = [56:56:2464];
and ImportsBreakdownMatrix is just 2464, 2464 matrix with numbers
The calculations work but I can write myArray in csv file.
CSV2CELL, dlmwrite have not helped.
I am trying to separate a 2464,2464 matrix into 44 matrices of 2464,1 summing 56 columns at a time which is why I used arrays.
Any help will be appreciated..
  1 comentario
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 7 de Feb. de 2018
You have a cell array with the entries being numeric row vectors (not the column vectors you initialize.) The export routines will refuse to export that in one piece to a single csv file because csv files have no ability to store groups of numbers in one csv location. Each location in a csv must be either empty, or a numeric scalar, or a string (possibly double-quoted).
Perhaps you should loop writing one cell per file ? Or perhaps you should use an excel file and create different "sheets" ?

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