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read a directory path starting from a subfolder

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
AXL el 22 de Feb. de 2018
Comentada: Walter Roberson el 22 de Feb. de 2018
Is there a way I can read a directory path starting from a subfolder:
folder = 'W:\Códigos\Matlab\Lee Frame\New\Images\Deformations'
I know it's possible to do something like that is Fortran (Ansys APDL):
folder = '..\Lee Frame\New\Images\Deformations'
My '.m' file is in the folder 'W:\Códigos\Matlab\Lee Frame\New'. I need that because I'm using different computers.

Respuesta aceptada

AXL el 22 de Feb. de 2018
I got it doing the following:
[pwd '/Imagens/Deformações']
So I can save the figures named file:
saveas(FigHandle,fullfile([pwd '/Imagens/Deformações'],file))
But, if there is a better way of doing this, please let me know.
  1 comentario
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 22 de Feb. de 2018
dirname = fullfile(pwd, 'Imagens', 'Deformações');
saveas(FigHandle, fullfile(dirname, file) )

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