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extracting interest rate formula of bonds in matlab

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
amir khalighi
amir khalighi el 1 de Mzo. de 2018
Comentada: amir khalighi el 2 de Mzo. de 2018
Hi all in bonds we have a formula that we can use for calculating bonds price
i = interest rate, or required yield
M = value at maturity (par value)
n = number of payments
My question: Is there any program to extract the "i" formula from the main formula(picture) based on other variables(not with numbers,just with m c and other variables)?to see i=... thanks all
  4 comentarios
Torsten el 1 de Mzo. de 2018
It's not possible to get an analytic expression for i depending on C, M, n and P, only a solution with numbers.
Best wishes

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