Hello, I am attempting to figure out a better way of handling parameters and passing them through input parsers. Let us say I have three parameters, and I will store them in a struct, and then pass that struct as the arguments to multiple input parsers that DON'T explicitly include the stated variables without it throwing errors.
params = struct(...
Ok, now lets say I want to hand this as the parameters to two different functions. This first one sets a default price for some reason,
function tot = myFun1(n,varargin)
defaultPrices = struct(...
p = inputParser
addParameter(p,'name','orange',@(x) ismember(x,{'apple','orange','banana'}));
p = parse(p,varargin{:})
price = p.Results.price;
if isempty(price)
price = defaultPrices.(p.Results.name);
tot = n*price;
and this second one lets say pulls up a picture.
function myFun2(varargin)
defaultImage = 'ErrorScreen.png'
p = inputParser;
im = imload(fullfile(pwd,p.Results.type,p.Results.name));
im = imload(defaultImage);
Ok, now for the two functions above I want to be able to call both with the same params structure:
tot = myFun1(1E6,params);
However, this will lead to an error in both functions; the first because 'type' is not explicitly included in the input parser, "'type' is not a recognized parameter. For a list of valid name-value pair arguments, see the documentation for this function.", and similarly for myFun2 due to 'price.
So, my question is whether (A) there is a way to get the parser to be more tolerant of unexpected input fields, so I can do the above, or (B) if there is some other "best practices" method so that I can avoid creating multiple params structures with redundant fields, or duplicating the structure, and then cycling through 'rmfield's before input. Neither is terribly elegant, and I am trying to avoid lots of 'addParameter's for params that I don't actually need in a specific function just to avoid the error.
The above is just a goofy MWE of what I am trying to code, help is appreciated.