How to get the output of the uibutton?
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I am using uibutton and uicheckbox but I can not get the information of the output result. I want to receive information from the selected checkbox in to a cell type and if the user is choosing button and entering new items, add those items to the library2. Below is my code:
Library={'a', 'b', 'c'};
fig = uifigure('Position',[500 200 500 600]);
pnl1 = uipanel(fig,'Title','Library','FontSize',12,...
'Position',[20 70 220 520]);
for i=1:length(Library)
checkboxL{i} = uicheckbox(pnl1, 'Text',Library{1,i},...
'Value', 0,...
'Position',[10 390-(i-1)*30 100 100],...
'ValueChangedFcn', @(checkboxL, event) cBoxChanged3(checkboxL));
btn = uibutton(fig,'push',...
'Position',[200, 20, 100, 30],...
'ButtonPushedFcn', @(btn,event) addnewlibrary(btn));
function cBoxChanged3(checkboxL)
for i=1:length(checkboxL)
val = checkboxL{i}.Value;
if val
function addnewlibrary(btn)
x = inputdlg('Tissue Library',...
'Add Library', [1 50]);
Expr = ';';
Library2 = regexp(str1,Expr,'split');
So when I choose checkbox I will receive this error:
Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
Error in cBoxChanged3 (line 5)
val = checkboxL{i}.Value;
Error in @(checkboxL,event)cBoxChanged3(checkboxL)
Error using matlab.ui.control.internal.controller.ComponentController/executeUserCallback (line 352)
Error while evaluating CheckBox PrivateValueChangedFcn.
and when I am pressing button, it goes through the code in "addnewlibrary" function but when I call the library2 it shoes that it is empty.
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Respuestas (1)
Walter Roberson
el 12 de Jun. de 2018
for i=1:length(Library)
checkboxL{i} = uicheckbox(pnl1, 'Text',Library{1,i},...
'Value', 0,...
'Position',[10 390-(i-1)*30 100 100],...
'ValueChangedFcn', @(checkboxL, event) cBoxChanged3(checkboxL));
nL = length(Library);
for i = 1:nL
checkboxL{i} = uicheckbox(pnl1, 'Text',Library{1,i},...
'Value', 0,...
'Position',[10 390-(i-1)*30 100 100]);
cb = @(varargin) cBoxChanged3(checkboxL);
for i = 1:nL
set(checkboxL{i}, 'ValueChangedFcn', cb);
Although it might look like those two parts could be merged, they cannot be merged. When you construct the anonymous function referring to checkboxL, a copy of checkboxL as it is right then is taken. If you were still in the middle of filling in the various checkboxL{i} then it would be the partly-filled version that was recorded. So you need to postpone "capturing" the value of checkboxL until after all of the uicheckbox entries have been recorded.
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