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How can I permute the matrix block?

6 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Yuxing Zhang
Yuxing Zhang el 5 de Nov. de 2018
Comentada: Yuxing Zhang el 5 de Nov. de 2018
Says I now have a 400x400 matrix A, and want to permute the middle 80x80 part, which I need to divide into 16 blocks of each size 20x20 like figure below and re-arrange the order of the blocks like the vector V=[7;11;3;14.....]. Means I need to replace block 1 by block 7, replace block 2 by block 11, replace block 3 by block 3 like the order in vector V. Can any one tell me how can I achieve this? As I don't know how to make the blocks and change order, thank you.

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Image Analyst
Image Analyst el 5 de Nov. de 2018
Try using blockproc() and randperm(). I've attached demos to help you.

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