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Muazma Ali
Muazma Ali el 11 de En. de 2019
Cerrada: MATLAB Answer Bot el 20 de Ag. de 2021
I get this error when I try to use nominal,
'nominal' requires Statistics and Machine Learning Toolbox.
I have earlier used nominal but in earlier version of matlab , have 2018b, should I change to another version?
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Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson el 11 de En. de 2019
nominal() was introduced in the Statistics toolbox in r2007a. I do not find any other definition of it. perhaps you had aa licence for the toolbox before or perhaps you were using aa third party toolbox that you do not have installed now.
If you still have access to aa situation in which it is working then use
which -all nominal
to find out which nominal you were invoking .

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