DTFT possible on Matlab?

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Petros Tsitouras
Petros Tsitouras el 28 de Jun. de 2019
Editada: Paul el 17 de Nov. de 2024
Hello everyone, I understand the usage of DFT but I would like to specifically perform a DTFT on a signal. Is it possible to do so in Matlab?
Thank you very much in advance!

Respuestas (7)

Paul el 5 de Jun. de 2023
Editada: Paul el 17 de Nov. de 2024
Computing the DTFT of a signal in Matlab depends on
a) if the signal is finite duration or infinite duration
b) do we want the numerical computation of the DTFT or a closed form expression.
In the examples that follow, u[n] is the discrete time unit step function, i.e.,
u[n] = 1, n >= 0
u[n] = 0, n < 0
Case 1: finite duration, numerical computation
x1[n] = (0.5^n)*(u[n] - u[n - 8])
x2[n] = (1.5^n)*(u[-n] - u[-n - 5])
x[n] = x1[n] + x2[n];
x[n] is finite duration, i.e., x[n] = 0 for n < -4 and n > 7.
u = @(n) double(n>=0); % discrete unit step
x1 = @(n) (0.5.^n).*(u(n) - u(n-8));
x2 = @(n) (1.5.^n).*(u(-n) - u(-n - 5));
x = @(n) x1(n) + x2(n);
Numerical computation of the DTFT can be accomplished in a couple of ways. Perhaps the easiest is to use the Signal Processing Toolbox function freqz. However, using freqz in this way assumes that the first element of the first input to freqz corresponds to n = 0. But, in this example the first nonzero element of x[n] is at n = -4. We have to use the shift property of the DTFT after calling freqz to ensure we get the correct phase.
Let y[n] be a version of x[n] shifted to the right by m samples such that all of the non-zero elements of y[n] are at times n >= 0.
y[n] = x[n - m], m > 0
In our case, we have to shift x[n] to the right by at least 4 samples.
The DTFT of y[n] is related to the DTFT of x[n] as
Y(w) = X(w)*exp(-1j*w*m) (w in rad)
Therefore, we can use freqz to compute Y(w), then invert the above to compute X(w)
X(w) = Y(w)*exp(1j*w*m)
Compute x[n] over its duration
n = -4:7;
xval = x(n);
Compute freqz of xval, which are really the values of yval as far as freqz is concerned. Use the 'whole' option to evaluate around the entire unit circle.
[h,w] = freqz(xval,1,2048,'whole');
Phase adjustment for the time domain shift implicit to freqz
h = h.*exp(1j*w*4);
h is basically one period of the DTFT of x[n]. Plot it
plot(subplot(211),w,abs(h)); grid, ylabel('Magnitude'),ylim([0 5]),xlim([0 2*pi])
plot(subplot(212),w,angle(h)); grid, ylabel('Phase (rad)'), xlabel('w (rad)'),xlim([0 2*pi])
Another option, which might be slightly more numerically robust, is to use fft with lots of zero padding to compute one period of the DTFT at lots of frequencies. fft assumes the first point in the sequence corresponds to n = 0, so we have to circshift after zero padding and then apply fft
h = fft(circshift([xval zeros(1,2048-numel(xval))],-4),2048);
w = (0:2047)/2048*2*pi;
plot(subplot(211),w,abs(h)); grid, ylabel('Magnitude'),ylim([0 5]),xlim([0 2*pi])
plot(subplot(212),w,angle(h)); grid, ylabel('Phase (rad)'), xlabel('w (rad)'), xlim([0 2*pi])
Another option would be write a function to compute the DTFT sum directly from its definition at frequencies of interest.
Case 2: Finite duration, closed form expression.
This case is straightforward using the Symbolic Math Toolbox
clear all
syms n integer
u(n) = kroneckerDelta(n)/2 + heaviside(n); % discrete time unit step using default sympref
x1(n) = (sym(0.5)^n)*(u(n) - u(n-8));
x2(n) = (sym(1.5)^n)*(u(-n) - u(-n - 5));
x(n) = x1(n) + x2(n);
We know that x[n] is zero outside the interval -4 <= n <= 7, so we can use the DTFT sum over that interval explicitly
syms w
nval = -4:7;
X(w) = sum(x(nval).*exp(-1j*w*nval))
Plot one period
fplot(subplot(211),abs(X(w)),[0 2*pi]), grid, ylabel('Magnitude'), ylim([0 5])
fplot(subplot(212),angle(X(w)),[0 2*pi]), grid, ylabel('Phase (rad)'), xlabel('w (rad)')
Case 3: Infinite duration, closed form expression
Let x[n] be similar to above, but instead of cutting x[n] off at n = -5 and n = 8, we'll let it run out to abs(n) = inf.
clear all
syms n integer
u(n) = kroneckerDelta(n)/2 + heaviside(n); % discrete time unit step using default sympref
x1(n) = (sym(0.5)^n)*(u(n));
x2(n) = (sym(1.5)^n)*(u(-n));
x(n) = x1(n) + x2(n);
Matlab's Symbolic Math Toolbox doesn't offer a symbolic DTFT function, but it does offer the unilateral z-transform via ztrans/iztrans. We can use ztrans to compute the bilateral z-transform of x1[n], which is the same as its unilateral transform because x1[n] is causal. We can use ztrans to to compute the bilateral z-transform of x2[n] using the z-transform time reversal property because x2[n] is strictly non-causal. Because the bilateral z-transforms of x1[n] and x2[n] both have a region of convergence that includes the unit circle, so does their sum, in which case the DTFT of x[n] can be computed by evaluating its bilateral z-tansform around the unit circle.
syms z
X1(z) = ztrans(x1(n),n,z); % z-transform of causal signal, ROC: abs(z) > 0.5
X2(z) = simplify(subs(ztrans(x2(-n),n,z),z,1/z)); % z-transform of non-causal signal, ROC: abs(z) < 1.5
X(z) = X1(z) + X2(z); % ROC: 0.5 < abs(z) < 1.5
syms w
X(w) = X(exp(1j*w)); % DTFT of x[n]
Plot one period
fplot(subplot(211),abs(X(w)),[0 2*pi]), grid, ylabel('Magnitude'), ylim([0 5])
fplot(subplot(212),angle(X(w)),[0 2*pi]), grid, ylabel('Phase (rad)'), xlabel('w (rad)'), ylim([-0.2 0.2])
Case 4: Infinite duration, numerical computation
Because x[n] is infinite duration we can't really do a numerical computation, which would need an infinite number of samples. But x[n] decays to zero in both directions, so we can pick a duration of nlower <= n <= nupper, where for values of n outside those limits it's safe to assume that x[n] can be approximated as x[n] = 0.
We'll use upper and lower bounds of 20
nval = -20:20;
xval = double(x(nval));
Now we can use any of the numerical techniques from Case 1 with xval being elements of the finite duration approximation to x[n]
[hval,wval] = freqz(xval,1,2048,'whole');
hval = hval.*exp(1j*wval*20);
Plot one period
plot(subplot(211),wval,abs(hval)); grid, ylabel('Magnitude'),ylim([0 5]),xlim([0 2*pi])
plot(subplot(212),wval,angle(hval)); grid, ylabel('Phase (rad)'), xlabel('w (rad)'), xlim([0 2*pi]), ylim([-0.2 0.2])
All of this becomes much simpler if the time domain signal, x[n], is causal, i.e., 0 for n < 0.

ZHU CHENG-CHIH el 18 de Abr. de 2020
In Digital Signal Processing(DSP) class, we implemet it use matrix.
function [X] = dtft(x,n,w)
% Computes Discrete-time Fourier Transform
% [X] = dtft(x,n,w)
% X = DTFT values computed at w frequencies
% x = finite duration sequence over n
% n = sample position vector
% w = frequency location vector
X = exp(-1i*w'*n) * x.';
% X = x*exp(-j*n'*w);
Maybe you can get a DSP textbook to read it more. :D
We use this book : Digital Signal Processing Using MATLAB by Vinay K. Ingle, John G. Proakis.
There is a practice, Problems 3.1, in Chapter 3.
  2 comentarios
Xing-Jian Yangdong
Xing-Jian Yangdong el 18 de Mayo de 2022
It works, thanks.
SAMIR PAUL el 13 de Abr. de 2023

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Jon el 28 de Jun. de 2019
Yes - you can use the MATLAB FFT (fast fourier transform) function to compute DFT's. Please see the MATLAB documentation for detail https://www.mathworks.com/help/signal/ug/discrete-fourier-transform.html
  1 comentario
Petros Tsitouras
Petros Tsitouras el 28 de Jun. de 2019
Editada: Petros Tsitouras el 28 de Jun. de 2019
Thank you for answering! I am familiar with the DFT-FFT, but I need to compute the Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) instead.

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Matt J
Matt J el 28 de Jun. de 2019
You could try using symsum in the Symbolic Math Toolbox. Why do you need a continuous-frequency result?
  6 comentarios
Petros Tsitouras
Petros Tsitouras el 29 de Jun. de 2019
I thought you asked about trying the restrictions I talked about on the fft(), as for the symsum() where do you mean to use it exactly?
Matt J
Matt J el 29 de Jun. de 2019
Editada: Matt J el 29 de Jun. de 2019
The DTFT is a sum of complex exponentials. My suggestion was that you might be able to compute that symbolically with symsum.
But before you do that, you should be sure you really need a symbolic, continuous-frequency result, instead of the discrete-frequency result that FFT already offers you.

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Kashan Khan
Kashan Khan el 26 de Abr. de 2021
  5 comentarios
Kashan Khan
Kashan Khan el 1 de Mayo de 2021
Yeah i know i have shared the sample code DTFT
Tran Quoc Hiep
Tran Quoc Hiep el 22 de Nov. de 2021
your code error using .*

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SAMIR PAUL el 13 de Abr. de 2023
Editada: SAMIR PAUL el 13 de Abr. de 2023
%magnitude spetrum
xlabel('normalized frequency \omega/\pi');
title('magnitude spetrum of the transfer function');
%phase spetrum
xlabel('normalized frequency \omega/\pi');
ylabel('Phase in radians');
title('phase of the transfer function');
%real part
xlabel('normalized frequency \omega/\pi');
title('real part of the transfer function');
%imaginary part
xlabel('normalized frequency \omega/\pi');
title('imaginary part of the transfer function');

Kavita Guddad
Kavita Guddad el 4 de Jun. de 2023
Editada: Kavita Guddad el 6 de Jun. de 2023
clc;clear all;close all;
x=[2 3 6 -3];
[X] = dtft(x,w);
subplot(311);stem(x);title('Signal'); xlabel('time index');ylabel('amplitude');
subplot(312);plot(w,abs(X));title('Mag. plot'); xlabel('Frequency w in rad');ylabel('Mag.');
subplot(313);plot(w,angle(X));title('Phase plot'); xlabel('Frequency w in rad');ylabel('Phase angle');
function [X] = dtft(x,w)
% Computes Discrete-time Fourier Transform
% X = DTFT values computed at w frequencies
% x = finite duration sequence over n
% n = sample position vector
% w = frequency location vector
for i=0:length(w)-1
for k=0:length(x)-1
X(i+1) =X(i+1)+ exp(-1i*w(i+1)*k)* x(k+1);
%Note:you can change x and w vector values as per requirement
%e.g w=w=-3*pi:0.01:3*pi;;
  2 comentarios
Paul el 4 de Jun. de 2023
On the first iteration through the for loop, i = 0 and X(i) = 0 will cause an error because array indices have to be positive integers or logical values. Also dtft is missing a closing "end" statement.
Kavita Guddad
Kavita Guddad el 6 de Jun. de 2023
Here is the corrected code.
Even n is not required
%Main program
clc; clear all; close all;
x=[2 3 6 -3];
X = dtft(x,w);
subplot(311);stem(n,x);title('Signal1'); xlabel('time index');ylabel('amplitude');
subplot(312);plot(w, abs(X));title('Mag. Plot');xlabel('Frequency w in radt');ylabel('Mag.');
subplot(313);plot(w, angle(X));title('Phase plot'); xlabel('Frequency w in rad');ylabel('amplitude');
%Function Program
function [X] = dtft(x,w)
% Computes Discrete-time Fourier Transform
% X = DTFT values computed at w frequencies
% x = finite duration sequence over n
% n = sample position vector
% w = frequency location vector
for i=0:length(w)-1
for k=0:length(x)-1
X(i+1) =X(i+1)+ exp(-1i*w(i+1)*k)* x(k+1);

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