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Optimizing R squared by changing initial conditions and rerunning model

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
Hello I am running a 2 pendulum simulation which involves length, initial angle, viscous damping as the initial conditions (Not a double pendulum just adding both at end) the model is run and compared to an excel data sheet and an Rsquared is calculated I basically want to change those initial conditions and rerun the model while trying to maximize the R squared to at least above 0.8.
Here is the Code I have It will run the first time but loose data points the second time not sure why? I also would like to be able to tell Matlab to add or subtract from the initital conditions as needed to maximize Rsquared.
Thanks in advanced,
% % 2D pendulum motion % %
% Pendulum Initial Conditions
g = 9.81;
mass=67500; % [kg] 1st pendulum bob mass
mass2=67500; % [kg] 2nd pendulum bob mass
L=0.5; % [m] 1st pendulum rod length
L2=0.5; % [m] 2nd pendulum rod length
c = 0.001;% 0.05; % 1st Damping coefficient
c2 =0.001;% 0.1; % 2nd Damping coefficient
A1 = 1; % 1st Pendulum initial angle [deg]
A2 = 1; % 2nd Pendulum initial angle [deg]
t=90; % [s] simulation time
dt= 2/91; % Time step *****(Must Match CFD)*****
i= t/dt; % Number of iterations
% % 1st Pendulum Equations of Motion % %
% 1st Pendulum variable allocation
theta(1,:)=deg2rad(A1); % initial angular position
omega(1,:)=0; % initial angular velocity
alpha(1,:)=0; % initial angular acceleration
for n=1:i
theta(n+1,:)= theta(n,:)+omega(n,:)*dt;
omega(n+1,:)= omega(n,:)+alpha(n,:)*dt;
Fr(n+1,:)= mass*g*cos(theta(n+1,:))+ mass*L*(omega(n+1,:)).^2;
% % 2nd pendulum equations of motion % %
% 2nd Pendulum variable allocation
theta2(1,:)=deg2rad(A2); % initial angular position
omega2(1,:)=0; % initial angular velocity
alpha2(1,:)=0; % initial angular acceleration
for n=1:i
theta2(n+1,:)= theta2(n,:)+omega2(n,:)*dt;
omega2(n+1,:)= omega2(n,:)+alpha2(n,:)*dt;
Fr2(n+1,:)= mass2*g*cos(theta2(n+1,:))+ mass2*L2*(omega2(n+1,:)).^2;
% Combined Pendulum Force
FR = (Fr + Fr2)/2;
%R squared Value curve fitting
Fit = fitlm(TotalForce,FR);
R2 = Fit.Rsquared.Ordinary;
while R2 < 0.5
dx = 0.001;
% Pendulum Initial Conditions
g = 9.81;
mass=67500; % [kg] 1st pendulum bob mass
mass2=67500; % [kg] 2nd pendulum bob mass
L= L + dx; % [m] 1st pendulum rod length
L2=L + dx; % [m] 2nd pendulum rod length
c = c + dx;% 0.05; % 1st Damping coefficient
c2 =c2 +dx;% 0.1; % 2nd Damping coefficient
A1 = A1+dx; % 1st Pendulum initial angle [deg]
A2 = A2+dx; % 2nd Pendulum initial angle [deg]
t=80; % [s] simulation time
dt= 2/91; % Time step *****(Must Match CFD)*****
i= t/dt; % Number of iterations
% % 1st Pendulum Equations of Motion % %
% 1st Pendulum variable allocation
theta(1,:)=deg2rad(A1); % initial angular position
omega(1,:)=0; % initial angular velocity
alpha(1,:)=0; % initial angular acceleration
for n=1:i
theta(n+1,:)= theta(n,:)+omega(n,:)*dt;
omega(n+1,:)= omega(n,:)+alpha(n,:)*dt;
Fr(n+1,:)= mass*g*cos(theta(n+1,:))+ mass*L*(omega(n+1,:)).^2;
% % 2nd pendulum equations of motion % %
% 2nd Pendulum variable allocation
theta2(1,:)=deg2rad(A2); % initial angular position
omega2(1,:)=0; % initial angular velocity
alpha2(1,:)=0; % initial angular acceleration
for n=1:i
theta2(n+1,:)= theta2(n,:)+omega2(n,:)*dt;
omega2(n+1,:)= omega2(n,:)+alpha2(n,:)*dt;
Fr2(n+1,:)= mass2*g*cos(theta2(n+1,:))+ mass2*L2*(omega2(n+1,:)).^2;
% Combined Pendulum Force
FR = (Fr + Fr2)/2;
%R squared Value curve fitting
Fit = fitlm(TotalForce,FR);
R2 = Fit.Rsquared.Ordinary;
if c && c2 > 0.9
c = 0.9;
c2 = 0.9;
elseif A1 && A2 > 50
% % Plotting Pendulum & CFD together % %
legend('Pendulum 1','Pendulum 2')
xlim([5 90])
legend('Resultant Pendulum','CFD')
%legend('Pendulum 1','Pendulum 2','Resultant Pendulum','CFD','location','bestoutside')
xlim([5 90])
  3 comentarios
Wilfredo Huaman
Wilfredo Huaman el 8 de Jul. de 2019
For example the 1st run before the while loop for FR is a 4095x1 double when the while is on the data points for FR decreases to 3640x1 double not sure why and this causes a crash bc the fit function for R squared is no longer equal to FR.
No I dont want to compare any of the runs I want to optimize the intitial conditions L,C, and A (for pendulum 1 and 2) to match the data from the Excel CFD as close as possible. For example I start with a very low initial angle (A = 1) and low damping (c= 0.001) and short length ( L=0.1) (there is an L1 and L2 for each pendulum as well as all other variables A1 A2 etc.) I want to increase or decrease these in order to create a better fit and increase my Rsquared if I guess and check them I get close curves but I would like to create a script to maniupalte these variables in order to increase Rsquared and then plot the final curve from model against excel CFD data
Wilfredo Huaman
Wilfredo Huaman el 8 de Jul. de 2019
I found the issue with the decreasing loop numbers but is there a way to change those intital conditions in order to maxamize Rsquared
For example is there a way to tell matlab + or - these varaibles by 0.001 as needed to maxamize the R squared value??

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