fzero Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
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Hideto Koizumi
el 31 de Ag. de 2019
Comentada: Hideto Koizumi
el 1 de Sept. de 2019
I saw the other two posts on this community about this issue, and they are both dimensional issues. However, I believe I do not have a dimensional issue here in my problem but still get the same error message. I tried 'fsolve' and symbolic equation 'solve', none of them worked (for the former, I got the initial value as the solution, while for the latter, I got another error). I paste my whole codes here just for reference, but the issue comes from the last 3 lines. I would very much appreciate your help!
%% Exogenous parameters
gamma = 0.181;
zeta = 10.63;
nu = 4/3;
chi = 0.233;
pi_r = 0.55;
pi_n = 1 - pi_r;
A = 1;
alpha = 0.53;
phi_0 = 0.4226;
tau = 0;
g = 0.0083;
phi_1 = phi_0;
%% Objective function
obj = @(x) -1*(pi_r*(log(x(1)) - zeta*x(2)^(1 + nu) / (1 + nu) + chi*log(x(5))) + ...
pi_n*(log(x(3)) - zeta*x(4)^(1 + nu) / (1 + nu) + chi*log(x(5))));
nonlcon = @nonlinear_cons;
A = [];
b = [];
Aeq = [];
beq = [];
lb = [];
ub = [];
x0 = [0.13, 0.38, 0.185, 0.41, 0.1];
[x,fval,exitflag,output,lambda,grad,hessian] = fmincon(obj,x0,A,b,Aeq,beq,lb,ub,nonlcon);
lr = x(2);
ln = x(4);
mu = lambda.ineqnonlin;
func = @(p) p./ (1+p) - a./(1-a) .* ...
pi_r.*phi_1.*lr ./ (pi_n.*(a.*A.^(1 ./ a).*(1 - a)^((1-a) ./ a) ./ ...
(((1+p).*phi_1).^((1-a)./a))).*ln) .* (1/mu .* (zeta .* lr.^nu ./ phi_1) - 1);
p0 = 0.1;
solx = fzero(func,p0)
<stopping criteria details>
Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
Error in fzero (line 327)
elseif ~isfinite(fx) || ~isreal(fx)
Error in simpleTax (line 55)
solx = fzero(func,p0)
2 comentarios
el 31 de Ag. de 2019
>> func(p0)
ans =
>> func
func =
function_handle with value:
>> func(0.1)
ans =
>> ~isfinite(ans) || ~isreal(fx)
Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.
>> mu
mu =
0×1 empty double column vector
Your functional is returning empty vector because if I futz around enough to get the fmincon call run it returns
>> lambda
lambda =
struct with fields:
eqlin: [0×1 double]
eqnonlin: [0×1 double]
ineqlin: [0×1 double]
lower: [5×1 double]
upper: [5×1 double]
ineqnonlin: [0×1 double]
so your value for mu in the functional is empty which causes an empty vector for the result. That then causes the internal error inside fzero
Respuesta aceptada
Walter Roberson
el 1 de Sept. de 2019
A = [];
So A is empty.
func = @(p) p./ (1+p) - a./(1-a) .* ...
pi_r.*phi_1.*lr ./ (pi_n.*(a.*A.^(1 ./ a).*(1 - a)^((1-a) ./ a) ./ ...
(((1+p).*phi_1).^((1-a)./a))).*ln) .* (1/mu .* (zeta .* lr.^nu ./ phi_1) - 1);
The computation invovles A, but A is empty. Computations involving empty arrays almost always end up giving empty results.
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