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gamultiobj system command / gamultiobj FitFcn and nonlcon order

1 visualización (últimos 30 días)
ahmad mahmoodi
ahmad mahmoodi el 5 de Dic. de 2019
Dear all,
I am using gamultiobj to optimize the objective functions, which are canculated in a simuation program. I use the system command, which is written in the FitFcn file, to run the software and write the outputs to a text file and the read the objective function values as well as the nonlinear constrains evaluation (ceq) from the text file.
1) How can I be sure that gamultiobj waits for the other program to finish (waits for the system command to run another program and doesn't get the results from the previous evaluation in the text file)?
2) How can I specify for gamultiobj to get the nonlinear constraint results after running the system command in the FitFcn file (I want the algorithm to consider the sequetional order of going through the FifFcn file and then to the nonlcon file for each selected point)?
Thank you in advance and Best regards

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