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How to separate ECG signal into time sections?

8 visualizaciones (últimos 30 días)
Anon el 10 de En. de 2020
Comentada: Meg Noah el 10 de En. de 2020
I want to write a function that allows me to detect local maxima in a ECG signal. I want to separate the ECG signal into different time sections and then find the local maximum within each of those sections.
I am trying to do this but I am confused, how to approach this. I am new to MATLAB and not sure how to approach the coding
  2 comentarios
Meg Noah
Meg Noah el 10 de En. de 2020
Where is the original algorithm description that you wanted to follow?
Meg Noah
Meg Noah el 10 de En. de 2020
Thank you!

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Meg Noah
Meg Noah el 10 de En. de 2020
Wow - that is not the algorithm I would chose for this data at all! But here is a solution for implementing that algorithm
close all
clear all
ECG = dlmread('ECG.csv');
nx = numel(ECG);
x = 1:nx;
figure('color','white','position',[70 100 600 900]);
title({'Heartbeat data'})
% visual inspection shows that a good width is 400 points
% need to zero pad this data to do the algorithm as directed
W = 400;
L = W/2;
xZeroPadded = 1:nx+W;
ECGZeroPadded = zeros(1,nx+W);
ECGZeroPadded(L+1:nx+L) = ECG;
title({'Zeropadded Heartbeat data'})
% now look for the peaks in the data
nW = ceil((nx+W)./L) -2; % number of segments to search
xpeak = zeros(1,nW); % locations of the peaks
for isegment = 1:nW
xSegment0 = 1 + (isegment-1)*L;
xSegment1 = xSegment0 + W - 1;
ECGSegment = ECGZeroPadded(xSegment0:xSegment1);
xpeak(isegment) = xSegment0 + find(ECGSegment == max(ECGSegment),1,'first') - 1;
% fprintf(1,'%d %4.4d %4.4d %4.4d\n',isegment,xSegment0,xSegment1, ...
% xpeak(isegment));
% remove redundant data
xpeak = unique(xpeak);
hold on;
% subtract the zero-padding from the xpeak values
xpeak = xpeak - L;
title({'Heartbeat data'})
hold on;
fprintf(1,'index ECGValue\n');
for ipeak = 1:length(xpeak)
fprintf(1,'%4.4d %f\n',xpeak(ipeak),ECG(xpeak(ipeak)));
index ECGValue
0078 233.000000
0371 253.000000
0664 257.000000
0948 237.000000
1232 229.000000
1516 242.000000
1810 254.000000
2046 240.000000
2404 242.000000
2707 243.000000
2999 250.000000
  2 comentarios
Meg Noah
Meg Noah el 10 de En. de 2020
Editada: Meg Noah el 10 de En. de 2020
The algorithm description that Anon was supposed to code up sounded like it was found from visual inspection. I suppose you could threshold the ECG values to exclude a false detection. You could also have a pass that removes the smaller of two detections within a segment L. In other words, when you're first processing a segment, check if there is a detection wtihin 1:L and if so then compare it to the detection that you get. Like I said, this is not the algorithm I would use to find the peaks. Here's a way to find a lower bound for W from the data (seems to work):
ECG = dlmread('ECG.csv');
nx = numel(ECG);
idx = find(ECG > 200);
mask = ones(nx,1);
mask(idx) = 0;
labeled = bwlabel(mask);
stats = regionprops(labeled,ECG,'ALL');
centroids = [stats.Centroid]';
centroids = centroids(2:2:end);
W = ceil(max(diff(centroids)));
if (mod(W,2) ~= 0)
W = W + 1;
Meg Noah
Meg Noah el 10 de En. de 2020
This also works - probably better:
ECG = dlmread('ECG.csv');
nx = numel(ECG); x = 1:nx;
idx = find(ECG > 200);
mask = zeros(nx,1);
mask(idx) = 1;
labeled = bwlabel(mask);
stats = regionprops(labeled,ECG,'ALL');
ipeak = zeros(length(stats),1);
for iblob = 1:length(stats)
ipeak(iblob) = stats(iblob).PixelIdxList(1) + ...
find( ECG(stats(iblob).PixelIdxList) == stats(iblob).MaxIntensity);
figure('color','white','position',[70 100 600 300]);
hold on
title({'Heartbeat data'})
W = ceil(max(diff(ipeak)));
if (mod(W,2) ~= 0)
W = W + 1;

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